Maybe the best free mobile game ever? Challenging, really deep, tons to do. Absolutely no microtransactions or ads pushed on you at all. Been getting updates for a decade. It's peak. I've never won a run and don't think I ever will but I come back to it regularly for another try.

Lucas Pope doesn't miss. An extremely charming and light-hearted take on a Papers Please style gameplay loop with a small narrative that builds over the campaign. It's simultaneously short and longer than you'd expect. I think it sticks around exactly long enough to not overstay it's welcome. I didn't expect to get emotionally attached to your silly robot friend and his little bit of character growth.

This isn't worth the price of a Playdate, but if you own a Playdate I think you need to play this. It's fantastic.

I wasn't expecting a visual novel as part of the playdate season. It's pretty quick and doesn't overstay it's welcome and apparently has tons of branching paths for replays. I think that's cool. I like when visual novels break things up with a little minigame and the marble rolling with the crank in this was a fun version of that. The writing was meh but not too annoying.

I think this is the most solid week of the playdate season so far. Two winners in my book.

Finished the main campaign with exactly 50 deaths which seems pretty okay. This game is tough but very fun and really polished for something completely free. Highly recommend to anyone with a Playdate and some patience.

This one took my by surprise, I loved it. Ended up blowing through all 30 stages of the story mode in a day and really enjoyed how it kept mixing up the basic puzzle mechanics to keep it fresh. The story was simple but cute. Hearing the Summoning Salt music at the end was a shock. Will definitely keep coming back to this to play the other modes. This is a great game.

Another controversial playdate season opinion, but I'm not having much fun with this one. I'm 19 stages in and found out there's a whopping 50 STAGES. I think I've done enough to have an opinion.

I appreciate the weird aesthetic and really fun animation, and the way the game makes a unique use for the crank is really charming. I just find the actual puzzles often really frustrating. It's a lot more trial and error than actual puzzle solving.

I'm gonna keep trying here and there, but I feel like I'll end up abandoning this before the end.

This might be controversial but... I don't think I like this. It's a fine minigame. It's a decent way to show off the Playdate crank out of the box I suppose. I just don't feel like there's a lot here. I gave it a lot of tries and even once I figured out how to really pick up speed it didn't feel like there was much to it. It's okay.

This is held up as one of the best VR experiences currently and I feel like I'm being gaslit by the community at large by this sentiment. Maybe I just had the worst possible impression?

So this game is meant to be a rougelite. You're supposed to die pretty quick and then through repeated attempts unlock new gear and upgrades and learn how to play better until eventually you get the satisfaction of a perfect run to the end.

I uh, I beat it on my first run. Default rifle. It was really easy. Frustratingly so. It all looked and felt cool but had absolutely zero observable depth.

The first boss fight was okay. A big guy floating in the air and you shoot him a bunch and take cover. Sure. The second boss fight? One of the worst I've experienced in VR. So frustrating that by the time I was done with it I wanted to stop playing. I kept going though because I couldn't find a means to save and resume later.

Then I just went right to the third boss and won that one too. I felt nothing. Honestly the whole time I was tired because it was late and I was DESPERATE for something to kill me so I could hop out of VR and go to bed. This game was annoying.

I ended up refunding it. I don't get it.

I think outside of Half-Life: Alyx, this is the best VR game so far. Believe me, I think that's just as weird as you do. A Walking Dead spin-off should not be the most compelling VR experience you can buy but it really is.

This is actually my second full playthrough, originally on the HTC Vive and this time on a Meta Quest 2 and both runs have been fantastic experiences. Great combat, a fun gameplay loop of exploring and looting materials to craft and upgrade better gear, and a really engaging story that offers a surprising amount of room for roleplaying. It's fantastic. Hits just the right spot between 'too scary for me' and 'exactly scary enough' too.

A really excellent introduction to the Playdate, and a great pack-in game. I found it's world map design a little frustrating at times (why would I notice that path in the upper left corner of the cave?? Why would I think I could keep going left on the beach when I couldn't go right and they look the same???) but overall I had a really good time. I think the writing is all really funny and charming.

Gameplay-wise it lives up as a worthwhile Valve-quality new entre in the Portal franchise. It felt really good to be playing high quality test chambers again and getting to see a few mechanics that were scrapped from Portal 2 fully realized was cool.

Narratively? Very disappointing. Almost a beat-for-beat retread of Portal 2 with weaker characters. It introduces cool ideas with lots of potential and doesn't really do anything with them, and then ends on a miserable anti-climax. Huge bummer that really soured this in my mind.

I still think it's worth your time if you're a fan of Portal, especially considering it's free.

Grew up playing the original Flash versions of Adventure Quest games and found this really nostalgic. It's a bare-bones super simple MMO that asks for absolutely no money from you and can be crossplayed reliably on pretty much any PC or your phone while taking up almost no hard drive space. I think it's honestly kind of underrated for that. There's nothing mechanically special about it, but it does the job fine.

Technically this is only a review of the Overcooked 1 content as me and my girlfriend finished the original version of 2 before rolling back to this to play the original game and the DLCs. This collection is fantastic and absolutely what you should buy if you're interested in playing Overcooked.

Switch port did experience a few stages with notable slowdowns that made the already hectic gameplay kind of annoying, but it happened in maybe 2 stages out of the 60 or so we probably cleared. Still worth picking up.

Heard these games ruin friendships, but my girlfriend at random decided she wanted to try it with me. Had to take the risk.

Honestly? I see how this could ruin friendships but it ended up being a great experience with her. Maybe a sign our relationship is really good so that's nice. The game itself is really charming and fun and a great co-op experience. Switch port was solid too. Hope the devs put out a third.

A really simple and fun rougelite. Love how much each character changes up the basic gameplay so much. It does feel a little half-baked as far as progression goes though. Once you've unlocked the final character there's nothing else to work towards and that's a bummer. Wish there were at least some simple cosmetics to keep me coming back.