Cool atmosphere and satisfying loop of catching fish and upgrading your boat. Found it got kind of stale quickly though and I fell off. Got really frustrated by the way enemy AI doesn't follow the same 'time moves when you move' rule the entire rest of the game runs on.

It's like every open world survival game, which is usually REALLY not my genre of choice. However, mixing in the urge to go out and Catch-em-All™ really does something for me. It's still mostly just another asset flip survival game, but it's easily one of the most compelling out there.

Genuinely baffling as a seasonal game, especially one given to you so early. The first Playdate game I've ever bothered actually uninstalling.

A simple little arcade game based around a funny idea. Clever use of the crank. Absolutely worth the totally free download.

Me and my girlfriend started hitting repeat questions within like a third time playing so that's not great. Also Jeopardy that's multiple choice is pretty busted. It's fine.

Hadn't really been into Fortnite in a long while but this season was really great. Rocket Racing is a really fun arcadey racing mode (with some questionable map designs at higher ranks) and Fortnite Festival is the closest i'll ever get to a proper revival of Rock Band and I really appreciate it. Thank god somebody finally gave Harmonix another win. As far as the actual BR mode goes I thought this season played really great. Battlepass had tons of cool stuff in it. Loved the modifying weapons as a gimmick. I do think the season dragged on a lot though and didn't really have any exciting map changes throughout.

I did the exact same thing with this game that I did with the previous one, which is go insanely hard for about 50 hours before burning out hard. This game is incredible but oh my god it's so dense and it just KEEPS going.

I will say, as someone who only got into the franchise at 7, it's a bit of a bummer that at a certain point in the plot you start having to spend every other chapter hanging out with Kiryu and essentially just going through Yakuza fanservice that means literally nothing to me. I thought switching the protagonist to Itchiban was an intentional way to start fresh guys?

The stupid Animal Crossing island mode kicks ass

First purchase I've kind of regretted on Playdate. I really wanted to like it. A deep dungeon-crawling RPG on Playdate sounds great but this one just feels like it has no real depth and makes you waste a lot of time walking back to the same area over and over because there's no real strategy to any of the combat, at least early on. You just mash the attack button until eventually a fight kills you, you receive no punishment for dying, and you walk back to whatever killed you slowly and start mashing attack again. Rinse and repeat. Also has a really bad onboarding for a new player, just dropping you directly into a random shop with no instructions and making you fumble through menus until you find the actual game. Didn't care for it.

It's pretty simple but it's also very charming and FREE! I had a good time with it, and the endless mode you unlock after completing it is still pretty fun. The ending was really cute too. I think this is a great time and a great use of the Playdate's crank too.

Really didn't expect something along the lines of a Vampire Survivors style game for Playdate and it is pretty fun, but it feels like it runs out of reasons to come back once you've won your first 10-Minute run. There's just not enough build variety and there's only the one character. I wish there was some tougher long-term goal to shoot for. For $3 though it's pretty fun.

Currrently my favorite Playdate game. A fun rougelite that's build to be fast for quick runs, but has enough depth to keep you coming back to it. It's a really fun game about balancing a tiny inventory and making tough decisions. Looks great and sounds great too.

Post Ending Update: Ending was kind of an anticlimax, but unlocked new tools and opened up the potential to keep playing. This game is easily the most worthwhile offering on Playdate I've found. Fantastic game.

It's a perfect minigame. Really funny, easy to play. Definitely going to be my go-to demo game for Playdate.

Really clever mix of Slay The Spire style deckbuilding and a word-building game like Scrabble. Outside of not using the crank for much, it's a perfect playdate game. It's really tough, but feels fair.

I made this game for my girlfriend and I think she liked it.

I made this game, so I think it's pretty cool.