Not much to it, just a fun little diversion

Interesting game and concept, but I got very bored with it.


Just no. There is no fun to be had here.

Honestly, I was having some fun at first, but the repetitive gameplay, boring glory kills and unfun enemies really make this a slog to play through. It's got some decent graphics and the design of hell is suitably hell-ish, but I got about halfway through the story before I realized I wasn't even having fun anymore, so I just turned it off and uninstalled it.

Thankfully, it's short. Was not as much fun as the original game was, and somehow it looks worse as well? Also, cannot stand Chloe.

I'm a damn scrub and this game is hella hard. Shelved, for now, might pick it up at a later time.

Did not have fun with this one. Probably would've preferred a more linear adventure, although even that I'm not sure about.

A fun enough Mass Effect-like. I didn't hate my time with it, but I wouldn't jump back into it.

Fun little romp with a nice aesthetic. I wish the combat could've utilized actual card-based combat, however, but the narrative was good and the characters were interesting and fun.

Best AC, don't @ me. I've played this through to completion 3 times now.

Very jank, and not that fun to play.

Did not have a fun time playing this.

It's very clunky and combat feels unresponsive and sluggish, but I was intrigued enough by the premise to see it through to the end. Thankfully it's short.

Handling two party members at the same time for not only exploration and puzzles, but also boss fights gave me a headache. I really like the aesthetic of the game, and the little hub you get with the side quests, but my brain and my fingers could not handle the gameplay aspect at all.
Shelving it for now, but I don't know if I'll ever return to it. It's just one of those games.

Nice little narrative romp. Mae is annoying at times though. Might do a second playthrough for the alternate friendship route, but it doesn't feel like much would change with the story at all.