Dad of Boi. It's just fucking good. Everyone knows this already.

Nice little narrative romp. Mae is annoying at times though. Might do a second playthrough for the alternate friendship route, but it doesn't feel like much would change with the story at all.

I've never played any of the original Half-Life games - they were before my time. Or more accurately, I was playing PS1 Shrek when the original game came out.
I really liked the world and setting introduced in this game, but the game is definitely way too fucking long. Levels just go on forever. There are like 19 levels and each one besides the final one must have taken me over an hour to complete. For a purely FPS game with no other gimmicks or RPG levelling system, that is frankly exhausting. And there was a point on Xen - during the conveyor belt section - where I was actually losing my fucking mind because of how unfun the game had become, throwing endless waves of tough enemies at you while you struggle with ammo scarcity.
It was a far cry from the beginning of the game where you're exploring the darkness and destruction of Black Mesa, twitching every time you see a headcrab or zombie.
I will continue this into Half-Life 2 for sure, but I was not sold on this world from this game alone.

Very interesting aesthetic, but I couldn't figure out some of the more obtuse puzzles.

Never ever managed to complete this. I always tried and then just fell off at some point.

Some of the best writing in video games. Just a joy to playthrough and leaves you with a lot to think about.

Ubisoft is great at creating really addictive gameplay loops, but their storytelling has been lacking as of late.
A bunch of inconsequential side characters litter this story, with little interaction with any of them, so any deaths and twists in the story do not hit at all. The automatic story missions are also a pain in the ass, especially because it locks you out of acquiring some of the story missions in the game. This is really annoying from someone who is a hardcore side quest completionist, making it so that my playstyle of clearing out the entire map was actually detrimental to my experience with the story.
Overall although - story issues aside - this is still a fun game to just play and get lost in. It's beautiful, it's fun to play and it's packed with things to do and discover.

Just a fun Yakuza game. The story is all over the place, with a lot of the middle chapters feeling like filler nonsense, and the gameplay becomes very boring with only the one fighting style that gets old quickly. The Dragon Engine is great though.

Absolutely legendary. I love this game with all my heart.

Interesting hook, but too hard for me to complete to be honest.

So fucking hard man, I could not finish it.

I loved the lovingly crafted gameplay environment and the visual style of the game, but the gameplay is lacking and the story is kinda meh.

Fun ideas at play, but I suck at platformers so I know I will never complete it.

Interesting, but I did not feel the motivation to complete it. Kinda just fell off it after completing the first few chapters.