I really recommend playing as the female MC even if it is your first time around, if not just for the fact that there isn't another Persona game that lets you play as a woman and it is handled really well, touching on themes that aren't present in the original story.

I wish Shangri-la was good but we all know it isn't.

PLA is a masterpiece actually, the bad graphics and poor quality of life represent exactly what it is like to be deaf child living in a desolate wasteland.

The aesthetics are way better than the actual quest design.

Peter Clement's fatal flaw is that he is... Northern?

busting down baddies in the oceanview motel; rhythm shooter where your heartbeat is the metronome.

I'm gonna pay you $100 to fuck off.

hehe i got shot through the floor

2nd loop, Human Julianne jumps into my game, I kill her and she drops Shift and a silenced LIMP-10. Game became pretty straight forward after that.

Died on the final mission so I just turned on infinite revives and one shot kill so I could get through it. Isn't much like Hitman at all, the objectives feel more like fetch quests.

My friend loves Kingdom Hearts.

They haven't gotten past Traverse Town.

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You've heard of having a kid to save a marriage, but have you ever had a marriage to save the world?

Area 5 and X are certified hood bangers.

I literally have no idea what this is.