Barely a game, feels like it was made by some crude early form of AI. It runs like filth and looks like it too. There is also no goal or real purpose in playing it. You get pals to work and fight for you, what are they working and fighting for? Nothing, absolutely nothing. Just an empty sad void of a world with nothing to discover or experience. Can't forget the clear plagiarism of Pokemon designs and blatant near identical copy of Arks ui. Stain on the industry.

Goodness gracious...
Even without the online requirements killing the game after a measly couple days, it still falls flat from seemingly not learning anything from it's predecessor. It's visually pleasing as anything should be in the current year but that's about all it has going for it. Levelling is an absolute joke, leaving you no option but to do the heisting equivalent of chores just to progress; only to find there's practically nothing to obtain. The heists are just fine, customization is almost non existent, weapon variety is extremely limited with melee weapons not returning for some reason, ui is bland and unintuitive i could go on.

The game is a decent base for something special though that will undoubtedly take a very long time. with how the recent dlc has been priced it seems they still have not learned from any of their mistakes and i would not recommend buying anything to do with this game at full price at this time.

Arena after arena of boredom and monotony.

Absolutely awful, there is not an ounce of value in this. I initially thought they had just missed the mark but later realized it was just the base for a quick cash-grab to sell overpriced preset lego buildings to children who don't know any better.

As a video game it blows ass but it's a good time with friends. Looked back on it fondly until i replayed it, which i deeply regret. Seeing what the game actually had to offer compared to the cinematic reveal trailer is also just really funny; So so shit.

Truly underappreciated
One of the best open world games, shame the sequel was canned.

Perfect in every regard, a must play game and a staple of the medium.