9 Reviews liked by Mechon

i watched my friend play this and im sad i'll never experience peak again

Y'know I went into this game expecting a fun enough platformer and well, yeah it's a fun lil platformer transitioning pac man from the arcade to a 3D platformer. This game isn't OH MY GOD PEAK PLATFORMER and that'd fine not every game needs to be that, Pac-Man World knows exactly what it is and uses everything to make it worth my time. I will say there is a bit of a quality dip cuz the last world was kinda ass but whatever it makes up for it by having the most funny ending to any video game ever.

This and Rock Band are the two games that I quit after I watched an absolute master play for ten minutes.

Lamp oil, rope, BOMBS? You want it? It's yours, my friend, as long as you have enough rupees.

Sorry Link, I can't give credit! Come back when you're a little, mmm, RICHER!

I liked it when i was a stupid mindless kid