Maaaaaan what a mess! This was not a very good start for a new sister series of the Mega Man X games. First of all, who thought it was a good idea to take away a level when you die in it? Also the difficulty in the level design and stage hazards are insane. Having to finish a stage with a boss rush and a porly designed final boss with two phases without a game over FUCK YOU!
Also escort mission... Right after a boss... Really?
Mega Man Zero 2 while not perfect improved a lot of these flaws to not make it nearly as painful. This is the worst Mega Man game I have played so far.

Yours truly,
Purple Jumanji

You think all Paper Marios would build upon this game but no. Super Paper Mario is a great game that I love very much, but to this day nothing has beaten this masterpiece. Fantastic combat for something so simple yet so fun to do over and over again, with party members that ads on even more flavor of variety. A story with dialogue and characters with so much charm and wits, yet a dark tone to add a dynamic mixture. This game made me care so much about the Mario universe that when they went to a more basic Mario structure later on, it felt empty. This game getting a Remake is what this franchise really needed and new players can finally play what I consider my second favorite Mario game.

Purple Jumanji

The most mediocre game I have played.

Sure it works as a video game compared to many other 3D Sonic games with pretty much no bugs or glitches to be seen, but it does not really matter when the experience left you with nothing in the end. Some of the worst writing in any Sonic game, The Deadly Six are boring characters to have as atagonists. The controls work but somewhat feels weird especially when it comes to speed which can end up with some pretty lame deaths. The parkour feels awkward and I'd rather not use it most of the time.

So yeah a very mid experience for Sonic, but I had more fun with Sonic games that are concidered the worst of the worst franchise wise. The game looks beautiful even if the level designs are very New Super Mario Bros feeling which is not a good thing. The soundtrack is probably some of the best instrumental scores in the franchise in my opinion.

For such a broken and rushed game, I did for sure have some fun with it.

I mostly had a fine experience playing though it, besides the auto running parts those are awful and buggy as heck. Story is also awful and tries to take itself way to seriously for a game about a cartoon hedgehog. I am glad the use of realistic human designs was never used in Sonic ever again, Eggman looks absolutely disgusting.
Soundtrack is a banger.

Whoever thought splitting the 06 team in two to make a motion controlled Sonic game needs to be fired.
There is no worse 3D Sonic game then this one can't change my mind.

Whoever says this is one of the best Sonic games are insane.

The daytime stages are fine but way to slippery and the level design a lot of the time is not made to go super fast in. Also the quick time events are in this game WAY to much, quick time events are not fun ever. This gameplay got improved in Colors and Generations for the better.
Werehog stages are terrible. Repetetive and lasts far to long, and many times the inputs during platforming does not work and ends up with you dying because of it.
You also end up playing the Night stages more then the day stages because of the collectible in the game. They are way to hard to see in time in the day stages, and they are needed to beat the game so back to the night stages it is.
Also the frame drops in this game are annoying and ruins the experience.
The story is also nothing special and neither is the dialogue, Chip is one of the worst Sonic characters ever.

Game does look good and the sounctrack is great like most Sonic games.

One of the worst games I have ever played... I love it. Francis York Morgan is bae and I eat a sinners sandwich whenever I can. Love that they brought in Green Day to make the soundtrack.