7 reviews liked by MennoWoods2

Enjoyment - 9/10
Difficulty - 2/10

A truly one of a kind game. Through its explorative narrative moments, an immense sense of intrigue builds as you bounce from place to place, providing a meditative experience that not many games have achieved. It is also set in a VERY English country town. ENGLAND ITS COMING HOME!

me a few days ago: haha i will install a load of funny mods and see what chaos happens :)

me now: i will protect my wife ryo and daughter giulia with my fucking life and be the best husband and father i can

edit: this game has given me a fucking existential crisis

edit 2: playing too much sims may have fucking killed my pc lmao




Well, I don't usually write reviews but that game deserves one.

I played most of Frictional Games' games (Amnesia: TDD / Pigs and the three Penumbra games) and i have to say that I wasn't as attracted to SOMA compared to these other games at first. I played it because I liked Frictional's games and this was the best decision I ever made.

I won't go through the lore and everything behind the game since it's very complicated and deep. The topics addressed are serious and I gotta say that I even felt like in philosophy class at some points. I'd strongly recommend you to try understanding the lore of SOMA tho, it's very captivating.

That asside, this game is by far the best one among Amnesia and Penumbra games in term of horror. The environments and atmosphere are incredible, the sounds and musics are effective; everything just fits perfectly.
Teeny tiny spoiler, . In Amnesia, those moments are kinda scary but you get used to it and it loses its frightening quality pretty fast, and it is even worse in Penumbra since you can fight back. Here, I felt the scare and the anxiety for almost all of them. To sum up, I'm not easy to scare, but that game really got me trippin.

In conclusion, I can only recommend you this game; it was, for real, one of the best horror experience I ever had.


See you in the Ark :)

I felt like I was a detective. Lots of walking and reading but it was a pleasant experience.

Playing this game made me realize how dull of a player I am. Why am I reading the nutritional information off the back of this ramen pack



Game play is a little limited but the vibes were very real and it made me want to play outside and climb trees, so I did.