You would not notice that this installment of the Monkey Island series did not bear the touch of Ron Gilbert. It still retains remnants of his silly, infantile humor, which you are familiar with from the first two games.

I really enjoy the fact that Ron Gilbert somewhat canonized "The Curse Of" by incorporating references to the events of the game in his trilogy.

dunked 48+ hours on release on it and finished it in almost 1 session, easiest game of my life.

Every now and then i revisit Kingdom Hearts II and when the menu theme "Dearly Beloved" plays, emotions well up within me, and I feel instantly transported back to my childhood when I used to pretend to be Sora and his friends fighting Heartless with sticks in the schoolyard ...

Even though if the remakes raccoon city is waaaay smaller than the originals and had a lot of content scrapped for example the clock tower, the game had his charm and made up for almost everything with his high replayability.

Yes, the game is extremely short, finished it under 5 hours,
but here comes a big but and i cannot lie ... you could finish it in under 2 hours and get refunded.