Kinda meh. Doesnt really have anything going for it other than the sprite art

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People often say this is the best Persona game, and when I was a teenager, I shared that contrarian view (despite not even finsihing it) because I thought edgy=mature=good. The cast is great, possibly the best in the series, but everything else falls flat. You don't get time to become attached to the characters because 70% of the game is spent in mind-numbing dungeons. The gameplay is the worst of any Megaten game. Removing fusion system we all know and adore and replacing it with some tedious card grinding system is a baffling decision. The plot is also a confusing mess: "Oh, they didn't actually burn Maya it was just a rooomor! But wait they did, but she got away, and Tatsuya did it, but it's all okay because Maya forgives everyone because Tatsuya's hot or something." The story touches on interesting themes like the sins of the father, racism, lookism, forgiveness, but themes alone don't make a good story, let alone a good game.

It is technically impressive with it's 0 loading times and it didn't take long for me to fall in love with the general aesthetic and humor of the game. It feels straight out of a late 90s/early 2000s nicktoon. But other than that it's not that great. The levels are pretty bland and jak controls like shit. His moveset is fun to play around with but things like double jump seem to be a flip of the coin which can lead to quite a few frustrating and unfair deaths.

hmmmm yes diplomacy, intrigue, and boobies very mature story yes very nice

Its cool but i kinda forces me to look in the mirror and realize how shit at video games I really am

Man this game really sucks. Magic is basically useless because there are no items to replenish it the 100 party members gimick is usless because youre just going to be using the same 5 guys (the game doesnt even let you have full control over who is in the party for like 75% of its runtime). Managing all the runes and items is a pain, and the story is generic and has nothing going on thats worth mentioning.

Damn this is a huge leap up. The power ups actually make the game easier and most of the difficulty comes from playing the game in the wrong order (rip anyone who played heatman's stage first). It does take some trial and error but over all its probably one of the best NES games I've played

Much worse glorified update than overwatch 2. Atleast that game you know actually ADDED things instead of taking them away

Its just...not very good

Playing this right off of 0 (stupid i know) I was honestly kinda shocked. Not by how jarring this game was but really how jarring it wasnt. Not just in the story but the gameplay too. It felt like a prototype for yakuza 0 and a pretty damn fun one too. Infact I think this game does a few things BETTER than 0. For one the fixed camera is a huge plus, dodging attacks was alot easier not having to set up a good camera angle (I miss when action games had fixed camera angles) and this might be just me but Im pretty sure the targeting was alot better in this game. It's basically a Yakuza movie mixed in with a 3d streets of rage. It really set up a solid frame work for the following games, with an interesting and fun story to boot. I also retroactively appreciate 0 more for keeping these characters consistent despite being made 10 years apart

They took the opening of the main theme straight from limp bizkit's "break stuff". Bravo Nagoshi

Its kind of like a fishing game where you question why it even exist. Pretty much every AAA open world games set in the wilderness has hunting mechanics that are way more fun than this game. Yeah theyre not "realistic" but I wanted realism I would just take a walk in the woods. But I guess this game isnt designed for small headed americans to have "fun", rather it is for German sim addicts to zone out too while they listen to podcast and drink Pilsner after a hard day's work. The American Equivalent of this phenomenon is pot and call of duty

Time travel (✅)
It WaS aLl An IlLuSiOn BrO (✅)
3 strikes and you're out. This story is absolute horse shit. I have no idea why it's rated so highly on this website. Is it because it has a cross dresser in it? Are Twitter trans folx really this gullible? I can appreciate the effort put in to making this clusterfuck somehow work as a cohesive narrative but there is such a thing as over doing. Especially when it doesnt do anything new with these already well established Sci-Fi tropes. The games saving grace is the combat sections which is like 1/4th of it. It's like a cool tower defense game and I had fun with it. If they refined the battle mode added visual flair and made it more in depth you have a decent spin off on your hands

I played this game because I was interested in seeing a japanese take on a western genre but its really just the same old free to play hero shooter bullshit. It is good that they give you a decent selection of mobile suits at the start but theres really no reason to play this over overwatch 2 unless youre a true gundam fanboy. The guns do behave pretty similar to how they do on the show but I stopped playing as soon as I realized I couldnt use the lightsaber

Massive w for the bing bing wahoo squad