beautiful art, good music, brought tears to my eyes and made me remember my old friends who were always there for me.

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is without a doubt the best soulsborne type game i have played so far (played Elden Ring and a little bit of DS1). The combat system was fairly simple, but very difficult to master as this is a high paced action game that requires good reaction speed so be ready to die a few times before mastering the combat system because the enemies have different sets of patterns and moves you will need to adapt to. The only notable downside that has been haunting my mind since the start of the game would be the confusing navigation, as i had to hold my phone in my right hand reading IGN guides on where to go next, so i don’t get lost (i can’t play video games for too long or my mama will lecture me) (also not a pleasant experience for my neck). If you don’t have anything else to do for the day and you enjoy investing a lot of your time running around the map searching for clues as a badass hard-boiled shinobi of the Sengoku Era Japan, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is the game for you.

had the potential to be good but ruined by the removal of wild pokemon battles

the beginning was fun but i eventually got bored halfway through the game👍

three hours story mode 8 Trigams 64 Palms

unbalanced, no content, dead online system

a good chunk of content to keep you occupied for hundreds of hours. Less challenging G Rank quests compared to other games in the franchise (some arts were too broken.)

so many flaws but at the same time some good aspects. Not a fan of gachas but definitely one of my favourites of the bunch.