First 2/3 of the story was perfect for a Tactics and Ogre fan, but after that, it goes downhill, and I hated it a lot. Even if i miss party members, action gameplay is very good. OST and cinematics are masterpieces, I loved watching them.
Game is very linear and there is almost no reward for exploring. I personally don't mind linearity but some secret bosses or unique loot could be good. Lack of elemental weapons made me sad, new weapons only have bigger numbers without offering unique properties. Moreover, the side quests are just MMO fetch quests and too boring.

In the end, despite these criticisms, game is very solid and must play. It was a great experience, but now I want a new FF in the style of FF5-6 more than ever.

Most average game I ever played. Glad I refunded on early access.

CDPR knows how to make DLCs. One of the best DLC I've ever played.

Peak fiction. One of the best game i ever played. My only complaint is that jumpscares are kinda cheesy and bosses are easy. Homever these complaints don't prevent it from being a perfect game.