Loved this reboot. Hated that they wasted resources on multiplayer.

OG Trilogy Kratos may be the worst protagonist in modern gaming. Too many games for a character whose quest for revenge truly ends with the first.

That gameplay though. Gotdamn.

I got as far as the first trial where they flooded the process with so many unnecessary new mechanics I refused to continue.

Like many franchises, Super Mario Bros first jump into 3D has not aged well. At this point it’s more of a historical milestone than an entertaining play.

Felt bloated compared to the first, and the switch to a different protagonist could have been handled with more skill

Stopped playing when I realized how much of a commitment Catching Them All really is.

Gameplay gets most of the focus when it comes to Souls games and the like, but this game may have the most perfectly designed world in all of gaming. If you haven't read You Died by Jason Killingsworth and Keza McDonald, that book will explain why.

Provided you vibed with the original, this is a perfect sequel. PERFECT. SEQUEL.

While I understand the love this game has garnered, I quickly lost patience with the abysmal controls. In my memory, it feels like Manual Samuel without the fun lunacy.

An effective gateway drug, that modern Souls players will likely find extremely dated. Platinum took me three years of on and off play thanks to an absolutely obnoxious World and Character Tendency system.

Gorgeous, epic, and a hell of a lot of fun to play. Still got a charge out of face-offs deep into my second Platinum run.

An entertaining adventure while it lasts, but it lacks the lasting impression of other Arkane efforts like Dishonored. A wet fart of an ending probably didn't help it's staying power either.

Half-baked puzzle design and a game-engine-that-couldn't fail to dilute the absolute gut punch of a climax that wraps up this tale. Whatever technical misgivings I have, the relationship between Lee and Clementine is one of the medium's greatest. Chapter Five absolutely destroyed me as a new father.