I've heard there was some good in this game I didn't get to.

Yea ok.

An effective gateway drug, that modern Souls players will likely find extremely dated. Platinum took me three years of on and off play thanks to an absolutely obnoxious World and Character Tendency system.

Felt bloated compared to the first, and the switch to a different protagonist could have been handled with more skill

Stopped playing when I realized how much of a commitment Catching Them All really is.

The type of gaming treat that has become more and more rare these days: a nice couch co-op you can play with your kids.

May be a gateway drug for Diablo.

I remember really looking forward to this Zelda-like, but feeling underwhelmed.

OG Trilogy Kratos may be the worst protagonist in modern gaming. Too many games for a character whose quest for revenge truly ends with the first.

That gameplay though. Gotdamn.

In spite of myself, I have ended up loving these bite-sized platforming games. I've played a lot of cheap shite as a Platinum Hunter, but I always end up having a nice time with this "franchise."

Half-baked puzzle design and a game-engine-that-couldn't fail to dilute the absolute gut punch of a climax that wraps up this tale. Whatever technical misgivings I have, the relationship between Lee and Clementine is one of the medium's greatest. Chapter Five absolutely destroyed me as a new father.

Gorgeous, epic, and a hell of a lot of fun to play. Still got a charge out of face-offs deep into my second Platinum run.

Feeling Less Generous Towards Powgi by Powgi.

One of my favorite turn-based RPGs. If I wasn't tired of being fleeced by Nintendo, I would have definitely revisited this one.

Enjoyed this game only because my daughter and I had a competition to see who could get the Platinum the quickest, her on PS5 and me on PS4.

The old man's still got it.