Asteroid-like with terrible controls and other bad design choices.

Bees are an essential part of our world's ecosystem and their disappearance will be an apocalyptic event.

Remember this if you ever play this game. Because all you'll want to do is kill the bees wherever they make honey.

Can confirm this is a game I played.

Bad controls. Bad hit detection. Bad game.

An effective gateway drug, that modern Souls players will likely find extremely dated. Platinum took me three years of on and off play thanks to an absolutely obnoxious World and Character Tendency system.

Felt bloated compared to the first, and the switch to a different protagonist could have been handled with more skill

Stopped playing when I realized how much of a commitment Catching Them All really is.

I remember I shot arrows to use as platforms, but that's literally it.

Didn't play Reed 1, so I'm sure I missed some things. Platinumed

Only offensive from a gameplay perspective.

Vibed more with this the second time playing on PS5.