I got as far as the first trial where they flooded the process with so many unnecessary new mechanics I refused to continue.

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Stone cold masterpiece. No video game has improved more upon its first chapter. Darker, richer, and absolutely riveting.

The final mission (excluding an unnecessary boss fight) is one of the greatest experiences in the history of video games, especially when your run is... less than perfect. Even when you think you've done everything right, you still can't help but hold your breath.

Loved this reboot. Hated that they wasted resources on multiplayer.

I remember really looking forward to this Zelda-like, but feeling underwhelmed.

Very fond of this franchise. A very pretty upgrade.

Gameplay gets most of the focus when it comes to Souls games and the like, but this game may have the most perfectly designed world in all of gaming. If you haven't read You Died by Jason Killingsworth and Keza McDonald, that book will explain why.


A brief, but rewarding puzzle platformer.

I've heard there was some good in this game I didn't get to.

Yea ok.

I love playing this game, and I hate everything about this game that keeps me from actually playing it. The gacha mechanics, sure. The artificial caps on resources, absolutely.

But the most disappointing thing about this game for me is that they've created a rich, expansive world with an incredible story, but the storyTELLING is absolutely excruciating. Every story moment is a tedious exposition dump. I started the Sumera story and I swear I just watched three hours of inelegant lore-based conversation broken up only occasionally with me running from one checkpoint to the next. It's not the only game that has this type of problem (Horizon Forbidden West had a similar problem with exposition dumps), but holy hell do I have no patience for what appears to be modern video games' achilles heel.

Final Note after Platinum: After everything, I can't recommend this game despite some of it's better aspects. The gacha mechanic does too much to impede progress in the game and the storytelling has gotten more cumbersome and inelegant as the game has gone on.

Artifex Mundi is at it's bizarre best when it leaves the world of fantasy and magic and tries to ground things in reality. Because their version of reality is very weird. Family Mysteries is my favorite series they have produced so far.

Kinda like Lemmings, but if you were able to chuck them into all manner of blade, fire, and pit. Cheeky fun.

As a PlayStation Plus game, I rather enjoyed the vibes and aesthetic. Even the combat started to gel once everything was unlocked and available. Part of my Platinum backlog now that all I have left is an inexplicably enormous collectible grind.

02.23.24 - After wrapping up the Platinum for this I am low-key hoping for a sequel. A follow-up would greatly benefit from excising the more obnoxious elements of the game.

In spite of myself, I have ended up loving these bite-sized platforming games. I've played a lot of cheap shite as a Platinum Hunter, but I always end up having a nice time with this "franchise."