I love everything Artifex Mundi. Do not take this as universal endorsement. Probably not for you, but it is sooooooo for me.

The more I spent playing this game the more I loved it. Tried every tool and every method of inflicting stealthy ninja death and ended the game still wanting more.

A B-Tier Metroidvania that I'm glad made it onto PS Plus. Love these little hidden gems that give me a nice little weekend play between the Big Games.

One of these days I'm gonna get all the collectibles in one run.


A bug locked me out of the Platinum trophy. I will return for a genuine review when the bitterness abates.


Pretty enough, but navigation and combat issues abound. A game needing a raft of QOL adjustments.

A gorgeous update to a nice enough Fallout-like from Obsidian. A capitalist satire that could have benefitted from being just a tad bit weirder. Still a nice play for those with a specific RPG itch to scratch.

Top Tier Metroidvania. Flashy combat and some of the best, most dynamic movement in the 2D space. By the end of the game it was just fun to dash and dive and sling yourself all over the game world. Major props for an elegant solution to mapping dead-ends and places to return to after upgrades.

The story has gravity and weight, and the performances lean serious instead of the typical quippy, carefree protagonist. Didn't expect such an emotional wallop from this game, but it delivered beautifully.

There's still a lot of backtracking and a ton of items and upgrades to be found, but I'm not gonna fault a game for having the same achilles heel as every other game in the genre.

A dreamy, atmospheric fairy tale of a game. Good, restrained voice work from Valerie Rose Lohman (What Remains of Edith Finch) and Avalon Penrose (Hades) kept me drawn to the protagonist even when the story slips a little too far into the cryptic. The combat and RPG elements are fairly rudimentary, but a really solid first effort from an infant studio.

Infinitely playable. If not for my ADHD, I could play this game over and over and over. I completely understand those who do.