A reasonably easy puzzler buoyed by a story of cooperation and friendship with a surprising punch to it. Extremely touching and relatable.

A reasonably easy puzzler buoyed by a story of cooperation and friendship with a surprising punch to it. Extremely touching and relatable.


Kind of an upsetting tale. Not much to the gameplay.

Touching and chill. Beautiful idea.

A fine conclusion to an amazing saga. Of all three games, this one is The Most. Bigger. Louder. Doesn't deserve much of the hate it gets for the conclusion, but it is somewhat inelegantly constructed. Shepard spends a lot of time side-questing while Earth burns. Didn't quite buy that so much of Earth was still standing when she finally got back. Still an amazing achievement that has not been matched since.


When you can't make a good platformer on its own, just turn out the lights.


An interesting concept immediately exposed as obnoxious to play

Kind of crazy that more games haven't explored the wack-a-doo post-cult investigation narrative.

Vibed more with this the second time playing on PS5.

Zero effort was put into this review. Just like this game.

Only offensive from a gameplay perspective.