Back when I was a kid who couldn't read this was my favorite thing ever.

Back when I was a kid this game was top tier.

This game felt broken towards the very end. I think there was so much content on the disc it like couldn't handle it by the end. I liked how permanent the choices you made felt and it is a very cool time to play from this save file into the other games in the series. It honestly is the best part about this game.

This game was like 60% "oh, hey that's kinda neat. I see what you did there." and 40% "bruh... are you serious.".


This game was very difficult but I had some good memories with it. It took forever for you to get into the main domination game mode or whatever but when you finally did it felt very cool at the time to be part of such a large team game with so many other people. I'm pretty sure it was just a gimmick however, since the giant pool of 256 people were split into 4 smaller battles all happening at the same time. So four different 32 vs 32 groups and you couldn't walk around to the other groups on the other side of the map if I remember correctly.

The main weapons were not very good but the DLC weapons for like $5 were great. Pay to win for sure.

There was a giant patch that completely changed how the game leveling worked I remember. Before the patch, the best way to get the most experience and level quickly was to sit behind the front lines and use your heal spray to heal people who were actually shooting the enemy team for kills. I think a kill was like +10 exp or something but healing a teammate was like +20 exp. Very broken but I have a lot of fond memories playing this with a close friend.

It's honestly a shame that this is now a dead game with all the servers being shut down. I would've enjoyed going back and playing on those maps again.

Very cute game that was a great first game to play with my girlfriend. This game was very long which was a hinder at times but ultimately my girlfriend had a good time.

This game was a lot of fun with siblings growing up. It was fun to play all the user created content and dress up your person with costumes.

I picked this up brand new back when it first came out. I really liked how it came with a piece of paper to turn into an origami bird like the cover art while you waited for the game to install.

I had a good time with this and enjoyed the gestures and quick time events in combination with the story. I'm not sure what the reception of this game was at the time but I unironically enjoyed everything about it at the time.

This was the first call of duty I played. I really enjoyed playing through the story on veteran, even though it was unbearable at times with the grenades. Multiplayer was memorable as well with both zombies and playing online with friends after school.

Game was like a stale MW2 and was the last one that I ended up playing. Quick scoping was dead and so was my interest in the series.

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This game was great and probably one of my favorite experiences on the PS3. Having imported my character from the first game felt very cool especially because it seemed like my experience of the game was different than the people I have talked with about it.

All the characters are great and building everyone up for the final part was very memorable as the stakes were at an all time high and I didn't want to lose anybody on the final mission.

Took two different sessions to finish and I feel like I would have been invested more towards the end if I finished it all in one session. My friend said that wasn't an issue for him and enjoyed it thoroughly so it's probably just an issue with me.

Was not aware that the side quests expired when you progress though the main story. I was like yeah sure "school is being attacked and need help" I'll come after a few missions. Then couldn't find the mission in the mission select and then came across an email that said they all died and maybe a ship got out but was unsure if any made it and it basically traumatized me. I don't think I played the game after that because I felt so bad lol.

Fun story that was equally silly as it was emotional. Difficulty scaling towards the end of the game was awful if you didn't complete any extra content or get the celestial weapons for the limit break.