This was one of the first games I ever played. As a child, I was probably 3 years old, I got a nintendo gamecube and sonic adventure 2. I played this game probably 20 times as a kid, and it has utterly ruined how I am as an adult. Everywhere I look is Sonic. The music I listen to is reminiscent of what you would find in Sonic games, everything is a reference to Sonic.

With that said, is this game any good? Ynoes. The game game is good more because of the idea of what could have been, instead of what necessarily is. Sonic fans yearn for sonic adventure 3, but they want it without half of what is in Sonic Adventure 2.
Playing as Sonic and Shadow? Great fun, banger soundtrack, high speed and fun abilities.
Knuckles and Rogue? Ehh, it's fun enough to move around but nobody likes aimlessly running around. I remember people endlessly talking about how this could be great with a more linear mode, maybe more puzzle oriented platforming, etc. This is where the problem lies, right? You don't want what is in the game, you want the idea of what could have been.

Playing as Tails and Eggman is a joke. Never give the player mobility, then remove it all. You're asking for it to feel bad. What if you could fly around? Maybe you can turn into a car at any time and drive? Maybe more interesting battles that isn't just a spam fest?

The Chao Garden is one of the highlights of this game. Taking care of a Chao, feeding it things you find in the world, and seeing it evolve as you go. Me and my brother would train our Chaos and have them battle each other constantly, it kept us coming back to this game year after year.

The battle mode is also great (the racing part anyhow). You get to race through a lvl, and it's shocking to me that no Sonic game has done this since. Racing as modes in platformers in general, it just makes sense. While I think the abilities could be tuned down drastically I overall think this is an incredible mode.

So yeah. That's it right? The idea of the game that never was. Today it holds up as a fun platformer where 2/3 of the game is filler, and the good stuff is great. Maybe one day we will get a new adventure for everybody.

I do wonder how many hours I spent on this game in total. It must be hundreds.

The instant classic that released and took the internet by storm. There are many reasons to love this game; the touching story, gorgeous visuals, immersive soundtrack, or smooth as silk movement.
For me, the movement makes this game. I think it may have the smoothest movement of any 2D platformer, and it knows it. Catering to both casual and hardcore players alike, it hits the mark every time.

Broforce, the game where you and your bros platform around destructible environments, use fun, silly and deranged abilities to defeat the evil anti christ and restore freedom.

Fun game, best played with the bros.

A speedrunning game with Mario Kart items. Overall a decently made game, but I did not like it too much. My friends have however had a lot of fun playing it on the TV couch co-op.
That said, to me this is a game of memory. If you "rhythm-game" yourself through the lvls you will win every time. It lacks depth. Fun for a little while, but not for me.

I had alpha access to this game, and most of my playtime was during these tests.
Spellgame was a fantastic battle royale that suffered the fate many games do these days. They over-update, try to cater to everyone, and falls flat on it face after they end up pleasing no one.
The game had a fantastic idea, and played super well during the tests. You weren't locked into classes, you could freely upgrade yourself. Want to put all your points into the ability that lets you ice skate? Sure, absolutely not viable, but allows you to move 10 times as quickly and shoot yourself across the map (and probably into your death). It was fun, unique, crazy, but never the optimal way to play.
This freedom would slowly get removed with updated, and unfortunately the game got less fun to play over time. Players quickly got locked into roles or the same two loadouts every match, the fun of experimenting with different crazy builds got taken away, and after that there was no reason for me to play.

I think this could have been it, but unfortunately the devs have now been absorbed by Activision Blizzard, and their unique ideas will now be silenced so they can work on World of Warcraft and Warzone. What a shame.

What an incredible game. A walking simulator full of references, ideas, witty dialogue and insanity.
The narrator really makes this game. It makes it into one of the most memorable games I have ever played. Highly recommend.

A cute looking tile based puzzle roguelite that has you move and throw blocks/characters around the world. It features some unique combining mechanics where you can remove blocks by throwing them together, sometimes rewarding you with loot for your efforts.

Overall a fun and somewhat entertaining game that has some replay value, though the random generation is not enough to make this something you want to come back to after you complete it properly.

Randomly generated and puzzles is not something I usually think work very well together. Generally speaking hand crafted puzzles feel better to complete. This game does a decent job, but you rarely ever get those "aha" moments where you finally figure out something great.

Overall, I would recommend only to puzzle fans looking for something unique. The art and music is fantastic.

Pony Island is one of the first games that really blew my mind n the "Wait, video games can do that?!" type of way. It threw me off my feet multiple times with its puzzles, distractions, and genre bending themes.
This is such an easy recommend for anyone who want to explore what it means to be a video game, and want to see something unique no one has done before.
Daniel Mullins is an absolute genius.

Wow. This game has lived rent-free in my mind ever since I played it in 2016. I do not have too much to say other than this being an incredibly heart twisting story. I still think to this day, many years later, I have not been moved by a game the same way this game hit my feelings. Recommend for everyone.

One of the first non-nintendo big "AAA" story games I played. Overall very entertaining, fun to play, I really enjoyed the stealth. While it is overall fun the story is not very memorable, through some action scenes later in the game are.
Guns could be more useful, but I supposed it makes sense they wanted to keep you to the bow as much as possible.

A fantastic game that has inspired so many great indie games. Everything from the music to writing and overall design is an instant hit. The game manages to be something anyone can play, but not many can truly beat. The game manages to really pull on some heartstrings near the end.

No Gods or Kings. Only Man.

BioShock captures Video Games as a medium and tells a story which wouldn't work in a book, movie, or anything else. To experience the story, one can simply play the main story from start to finish, but to understand it, one must explore, pay attention to all the details in the environment, hear out the audio logs, and consider the consequences of ones actions.

For a game that released in 2007, this game holds up incredibly well, and the gloomy atmosphere still looks good to this day.