226 Reviews liked by MoltenLavaCore

this game made me less afraid of death. there is no higher review i can give it.

its a humbling feeling to find a game that feels bigger than you

i dont even know where to start describing it. at its core, its a game about not understanding. the gameplay revolves around trying in vain to learn about your surroundings - to piece it all together and find a solution to a problem - only to die not because of a lack of trying, but because we just dont have the time.

the beauty of Outer Wilds lies right there. its galaxy is small, yet feels huge and only gets bigger the more you dig. by all means it should feel like a hopeless venture to continue exploring, but its too engaging not to. there is no end goal, and it makes no promises other than the fact you will die.

and the magic is that we did anyway. even if i didnt know what for, i kept exploring its planets to find its secrets. i felt giddiness meeting every character and hearing their stories. i pat myself on the back after solving puzzles once i asked the guy at the starting campfire how to.

Outer Wilds - despite playing as an alien - is a deeply human game. a journey about facing adversity through sheer willpower despite not having all the answers, and knowing youre not alone in that.

i cant do this game a service with my $5 speak and someone else could do a much better job, and thats ok. because like i said, this game - like its setting - is big. theres so much to talk about, yet its message is so precise. its mysteries are so complex, yet so simple in retrospect. games like these remind me how special this industry is, and what kind of art it can produce. Outer Wilds is a profound experience i likely wont forget for a very long time.

Never played but obligated to give it a 10/10 because of how much enjoyment I get from joining a new MegaTen server, making a joke about how Persona 3 was the first Persona game, turning notifications on my phone, and then shoving it up my ass

Possibly my favorite game of all time. It is everything Pokémon wishes it can be. A massive open world, over 700 fully voice acted Yo Kai, a massive story, two campaigns, two playable characters and new secrets around every corner. Definitely worth anyone's time

Same as the original Club Penguin but, everyone is a depressed college student.

The fact Kingdom Hearts is the Disney series with all the prestige and goodwill and Smash reps and not this is the final proof there is no god

This game taught me a really valuable life lesson. I was a stupid kid who dated in this game, right? I presented myself as a rich alpha chad. I got girlfriends INSTANTLY. However, every time one of them logged off or went to get some coins, I would find a new girlfriend. I was just THAT good at this. However, it eventually backfired and my rouse fell through. ALL of my girlfriends turned on me and I was left with nothing. Loyalty is a virtue and you should never cheat. R.I.P.

The gimmick and roster is great but man everything else is meh to bad the levels are pretty uninteresting on par with trap team levels imo the soundtrack is souless stock music because they couldn't be bothered to get balfe back,the boss fights where pretty bad with 90% of them being against personalityless doomlanders and a fucking guacamole monster that is literally the worst boss in the entire series they removed fan favourite collectables such as story scrolls and winged sapphires and on top of all that the story was written by a five year old on crack which is super disappointing since the game literally right before had the best story in the series while i personally hate trap team more i can 100% understand if this is your least favourite skylanders game

This game feels like it was made to strawman a political ideology that doesn't even exist

This is my least favorite case in the entire series, because there are only three new characters so it takes about five seconds to figure out who the culprit is, but about five hours of playtime for the game to reach that same conclusion. The premise is cool, but since this is Ace Attorney, they were never going to introduce time travel as an in-universe thing that can actually happen, so the real answer is pretty underwhelming. Thankfully this is DLC so I can go on loving the base game without having to re-weigh the whole thing with this case in mind.

Simon Blackquill is the best thing about this game bar none I can't believe they did him so well while fucking up basically everywhere else

This is like if there was a Danganronpa game with Ace Attorney characters in it just replace hope and despair with dark age of the law