Game is fun to play time to time, I mean its a foundation for multiple creative skills, such as animation, scripting, sculpting, etc. Yet The game lacks without mods nor friends, yet thats the point. You're supposed to install mods and have friends, with that, it becomes such an amazing game

So think of Guitar hero with a guitar, thats it
Ubisoft abandoned it for their shitter game, Rocksmith+.
You really can learn 'guitar' as I did, but dont fully rely on it.

Look at the thumbnail.
Look at Sackboy, tell me he isnt happy and tell me why you shouldnt be happy as well.

Game was really fun to play at first but I just grew bored of it. My ex-girlfriend loved it, I thought it was alright.
Dying light better.

Nearly S+ the whole game
Fun Replayed

Binged the game for a bit in July, it was so much fun. I need tp finish my monkey base.

Played Single player, on New game 2+

Seamless co-op mod:
Me and my brother love it, this game is amazing alone or with others.

Play this when you need to relax and just listen to music

Maybe the Metal Gear Rising: ReVengeance was the friends we made along the way

By the Nine im tweaking
(If your modded game crash, try installing more mods)

Was hyped for this game, man it was awful.