576 reviews liked by MoodyBlues

This Game Is Made Of Pure 100% Concentrated Silliness

not the best half-life experience, but still good. the game really picks up once it gets more fast paced, the slower atmospheric parts are cool but they're a bit of a drag to actually play. there's a solid amount of padding here which is unfortunate, cuz it really doesn't need it.

the better episode. it's basically just more half-life 2 with some new stuff, and it works great. episode 1 had some weird experimentation but this just feels like what it should've been

Rain World except I don't constantly want to blow my head off

Note to self: Don't play Animal Well at Jerry Garcia's

incredibly unique and captivating first episode - the characters are all very memorable, and the writing is on point. a lot of the horror is implied which can make it way more compelling. i'm very excited to see where this goes.

-direct sequel that's notably different in tone and style from its predecessor
-two different campaigns that are both required to fully understand the story
-one of the playable characters is a female government agent
-there's a dark doppelganger of the main protagonist
-important story moments are punctuated with butt rock anthems by the developer's in-house band

this is just finnish sonic adventure 2

one of the most positive games i have ever played. it's all about the beauty in the simpler things in life, and i absolutely love it. i love the writing, i love the world, it's really great.

Beat the game in 55 hours straight, my first time playing. No sleep. Changed me as a human being

Give us back the badass Artorias box art asshole