Just finished the new canon ending and the game is phenomenal, any criticisms I have are small and have to do with design choices or nitpicks so nothing too serious.SMTVV runs exceptionally and gives full opportunity to show the beauty of the world as a whole. The music alone added another 15 awesome songs to my playlist and every new addition was an improvement. The two dungeons that you have to do for story are still a bit lackluster but all the open world aspect are exceptional. This game was fantastic and after dumping 75 hours into it this past week im ready to try and finally beat demifiend….

Great rpg with the best job mechanics implemented at the time, story is silly and the dungeons are lackluster but for a 3ds release it was the best.

Cute storybook, read it to someone you love you heartless bastard

If this was a review on year 1-3 it would be probably a 4.5 rating unfortunately I have to talk about this games full life cycle which is comparable to watching some close to you be poisoned daily. This was the best hero shooter to release but the longer it stuck around the more sour it became. Loot boxes were obviously a big thing but the game overall from how it played and controlled was just simply fun. Unfortunately we got terrible balance changes and the lamest people conceived became spearheads of the community and development turning this game into a chore to play for fun.

Nothing new to be excited about so basically like having your favorite childhood pet back for a day but they are really old and cranky the whole time and die the second you touch them…hope you have friends to play it with that enjoy it because that’s the only thing saving it

A nice mid game that you can play without thinking too much, nothing wrong with being just alright it’s fun and the audience for it should like the experience

Super fun deck-builder with cute and defined artwork. Been playing it occasionally since release and has gotten more fun with each update while receiving support on other devices. Not hard to get into and understand for some quick entertainment while giving you those classic “that killed me??” moments

Game has everything you could want if you love the genre. Fun, pretty, simple to control, exiting bosses, updates/expansions to improve quality, cool player base, multiplayer and you can play the damn game everywhere on almost everything….maybe this game deserves a 4.5…

Not even worth shitting on for long just look at the amount of expansion passes in the store and try to piece together how you get to this point with a full release game

Everyone knows how this went and it somehow came out better than Destiny 2

After playing KH1 and being moderately bored or disappointed with the fanfare it received I jumped straight into 2. Same feelings as the first game but this KH2 controls exceptionally and is fun to explore from beginning to end, if you have any interest in it. The game is good but I have to accept the series is not for me as I can’t be hooked on what’s happening on my screen as I just never start to care but I can tell im playing a decent game since the urge to turn it off only happens when im in a cutscene. I know the fans will hold this one as their savior as the best ps2 game but when it comes to me caring about anything happening on the screen this game just can’t do anything for me outside of some fun fights and goofy voices. Great game but maybe just too late for me to care about anything going on in it. I am excited for KH4 because if they can make something half as fun as this then add a storyline I can mesh with it could easily be an magical experience

I have never been a fan of KH but I wanted to do it justice and play it just once to maybe understand the magic in these games I am told about…I still don’t get it though. The gameplay is mediocre at best for a ps2 game and I think the fights all feel pointless. I think the story is silly but that’s the whole point of this series and if I discovered these games as a kid they probably would have changed my worldview but playing this game today right now in 2024 it is boring and silly at best. There is definitely a market for people who love this shit though and I can’t wait to make fun of them being excited for 4 since it does look kind of interesting, even though im sure I won’t care I can respect the fans dedication to the product and the unwavering love they show for his franchise

Only getting one star due to this game being so horribly bad you laugh at it and yourself for playing it. The only thing worse than this is a game that just functionally does not work and frequently spits on you.

My favorite 2D Sonic and top 3 in the whole franchise. Levels are fun except for anything that mentions "Oil Ocean" and the music reminds you of all the good times while erasing the bad. Reimagined levels are fun and with all the character options available at launch/dlc there is not a lot to dislike when we have great bosses, themes, Tails and a phenomenal Eggman song.