Fully played the game and was satisfied. My only complaint with the bravely type games is there are never enough classes for me to be satisfied but I enjoyed this game and Tressa will always be #1.

That last boss rush into a super boss was created by an evil evil team of people.

I don’t know how you could enjoy a game like this without friends. It’s a headache to play and look at then to top it of any enjoyment you could get from any cosmetics to add personality is severely overpriced or bundled in a way that seems like a waste. Poorly mismanaged IP that could have maybe been something cool if it didn’t release on PlayStation only with a limited audience already

Awesome solid all around game it’s been years so the story is lost of me but I know I played it 2 times so it must have been engaging enough. Powers are fun and levels are interesting to explore so good game….helps that PS had it for free at the time though or I likely wouldn’t have tried it.

Was fun to play on gamepass but I hit a point where I stopped caring about whatever was happening in the story, I think more interesting games released and wiped my mind of this being on my plate to finish so it probably will never get done

Probably my second fav of the series, really got me into the older games and helped me form an appreciation for the new battle systems and changes. A lot of new things are done here and I am a fan of most but this being my first made the older yakuza feel slower or clunkier than if I went in order. Atleast the rpg elements were easy to digest and Ichi is the coolest dragon quest schizo in the world

Fantastic couch game that is only improved with someone to play it with that can appreciate the fun in a challenge you take on together. Nothing new to say about the visuals as they are clean and well done consistently with no noticeable drops in quality for the whole game

Standard great and well made game for the 2010s everything that isn’t the main story falls short due to the overarching tale being so exciting

Stephen appears and I think that’s enough to make it playable, watch out for walls though.

I love smt but whoever designed this from the music to the dungeons had to be on some shit because they are insane thinking im going to sit through that, story concepts are phenomenal and if you want to just throw it on easy and roll through that part I could understand it but playing through with the encounters and level design made me want to find a new one to live my life

I know the story is fire I get it but that combat could put a horse to sleep. Music is the much more entertaining part along with talking to the characters and I think more people should play this one since everything they ask for in the newer games is already right here in P2

Hilarious game with funny call backs but if you have no friends to play it with that share the same interests the game probably isn’t going to keep you on it for longer than 2 hours…maybe P5AU can change that

My favorite persona game and probably because I got to play the most complete version first. Love the dark themes and the gloomy look Makoto has really makes the aesthetic of the game stand out. Rough and rewarding combat with excellent music and an ending that makes you feel bad? This is the game you ask for but will never get to play again since Atlus has lost its ability to sell doom and gloom themes like the early 2000s

Easily my favorite from the trilogy they stepped up on the puzzles but still try to do new annoying ones that I feel never correlate to something you actual want to do. But at least the combat is good right? Classic hack and slash and one of the best in the genre at the time but now it feels more like a grandfather to the newer more engaging games that focus solely on combat instead of this trying to both averagely approach.

Big improvements as a sequel should have but only enough to make it a more fun God of War with the same issues I had with the original

As a full package it falls short of being fun outside of cool scenes destroying your enemies and you actually destroying your enemies anything that doesn’t involve those two things at that moment is underwhelming. Platforming and level design is nice to look at and study but playing through is all too clunky and annoying