Maybe im crazy but this is my shit, favorite Doom game by far of all time. The secrets are cool, story is engaging, bosses get ripped apart and they throw enemies at you all the time in every level this is what I like

The great game I already liked but they added more monsters not much else to it besides the best monster hunter to date

My first monster hunter when I discovered that the hammer is the best weapon. Most brutal demo I have ever played too, I love loading screens


Now this is my shit, favorite Doom game all time. The movement is simple and quick, shooting feels awesome and the glory that comes with ripping a demon to shreds is excellent. The game throws enemies at you all level and it delivers on an engaging story with lots of secrets along with bosses that feel fun to destroy, this is my Doom game

Cmon it’s literally the best one

Feels so slow and underwhelming to me after New Vegas I liked the new additions with the interface and skills but was not excited for anything else the game tried to present to me unfortunately

Good news is the game is short, unfortunately the bad news would be having to play it for a short time. You don’t need a review on this one, if you are curious about how bad it could be play the first 2 levels then that feeling in your stomach will be all you need to know about why no one can really like this game

This game is fun, the first time…
For anyone that likes repetition this could be your favorite dmc game because it is so deeply integrated with this game you cannot escape it. Everything is redone time and time again but if you play 4 and fall in love then you would enjoy the familiarity and repayable nature it presents to you

My first DQ game and therefore my standard for the series. I dropped this game twice because of the slow opening and came back to see if i was just letting myself down by not playing it...i will never make that mistake again with this series. One of the most fun and entertaining games i have ever played with characters that are loved through every arc of the story. There are twists and dark moments i never even thought could happen in this game which made it even harder to drop after becoming hooked. Sensational story lines for each member coupled with the funky art style Akira cultivated for this series makes this cartoony world feel so alive and cared for. People that love this genre should enjoy everything this game presents to you as the only flaws this game has to me is the beginning/intro, my younger self couldn't fathom getting through it but he was stupid and has now seen the light of the Luminary

Cool party game if you did not have a mario party within 50 miles of you

The better version of an alright party game if you did not have access to a mario party game

After playing KH1 and being moderately bored or disappointed with the fanfare it received I jumped straight into 2. Same feelings as the first game but this KH2 controls exceptionally and is fun to explore from beginning to end, if you have any interest in it. The game is good but I have to accept the series is not for me as I can’t be hooked on what’s happening on my screen as I just never start to care but I can tell im playing a decent game since the urge to turn it off only happens when im in a cutscene. I know the fans will hold this one as their savior as the best ps2 game but when it comes to me caring about anything happening on the screen this game just can’t do anything for me outside of some fun fights and goofy voices. Great game but maybe just too late for me to care about anything going on in it. I am excited for KH4 because if they can make something half as fun as this then add a storyline I can mesh with it could easily be an magical experience

Everyone knows how this went and it somehow came out better than Destiny 2

Not even worth shitting on for long just look at the amount of expansion passes in the store and try to piece together how you get to this point with a full release game

Game has everything you could want if you love the genre. Fun, pretty, simple to control, exiting bosses, updates/expansions to improve quality, cool player base, multiplayer and you can play the damn game everywhere on almost everything….maybe this game deserves a 4.5…