If you played it at the time and had any friends or a mic you knew this game was the shit. It’s what every cod for the next 8 years wanted to be and was only complimented by the sequel that was just as good if not better

Yes the game where everything is perfect and the robot is fine

I will buy this game for you if you stream it for me I love it

Revived my love for Mario but then I remembered Mario Galaxy came out

I am a big Dmc fan and enjoy games made by Platinum. I like the story about good and evil working against each other but with witches and angels. I was skeptical about the game at first but now that I fully played it,I was satisfied.

Game play is incredible for a Sega game.The combos I put in were really helpful to get through tough places,though I had a hard time with one level.Not going to say which one,but I had a difficult time getting through the level until I needed to get to where I was going to.

The best thing about the game,would have to be the music.The music is outstanding and they even added some fan favorite tunes from past video games in a remix form. I love most of the songs and would listen to them on a constant repeat.

Overall,I really enjoy this game and have done 2 play through to satisfy my need to perfect some combos routes. Now time to try out 2 and see what can be improved

Love spiderman so not much new to say, it’s clean polished and it gets better with the next entry

Hilarious game chosen to be the last 3ds release

Exceptional sequel they add more to the game post release but I already had my fill and I love spiderman. Not a game I can personally go back to but when I play it i enjoy every second of it unfortunate the post game is not existent

Bored me but might just not be for me?

AGAIN I know this is better than 1/2 but I cannot support it . The series is so consistently good with every aspect I stated in my other reviews and this does not fall short of what I expect of the series in any way. But the performance is less than ideal and left me with a feeling that on a stronger system it would be my favorite Bayonetta game. Still exceptional music paired with jaw dropping choreographed visuals with an exciting story and climax, yet the thing I was most excited and impressed by was a training mode. If ur a fan like me this game is going to be great for you to enjoy and I think that’s more important since there isn’t anything bad but I don’t feel it does anything I didn’t expect…but that could be a good thing for you

Not much you can say negatively about the core game, it released over 10 years ago and is still a major money maker while being entertaining to play for yourself. Characters are funny and outlandish with a story that isn’t annoying to slog through plus Chop is in this game. Overall the game is what gta worked so hard to become and is a testament to the best game for about two years back in 2013. Sure they added a money laundering online mode that was fun if you could find anyone to hang out with but that was a business decision that made a lot of sense at the time and still reaps rewards today so…

Awesome little fun bean game, if you got all your friends on a few years ago. If you want to play now some annoying content creator can probably accommodate you and stop you from opening this game since playing alone is a bore

Nothing new to be excited about so basically like having your favorite childhood pet back for a day but they are really old and cranky the whole time and die the second you touch them…hope you have friends to play it with that enjoy it because that’s the only thing saving it

Every negative aspect of this game is removed as the series progresses so I am more than willing to overlook most of the small issues present as this is the originator of the series and my champion Dante.

Nahhh I don’t see it and I’ve tried 3 times