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I just finished playing the KH3 base game so here are my thoughts on it.

This game has my favorite Disney themed worlds which makes the usual story structure more bearable than the previous games. The only caveat is that there are sprinkles of KH lore in these worlds and it doesn’t get anywhere until you complete all of these worlds. Still I don’t mind it since I had a fun time. The frozen world sucked ass since it felt like it had the least to do with Sora and friends and more to do with the original Disney story. I feel as though Kingdom Hearts benefits more from having Sora be somewhat of the main focus of the worlds and not the other way around. Big Hero 6 does this perfectly where Sora’s team and Hiro’s team meshes very well and rely on each other for help and improvement. Monsters Inc was cute and awesome playing on the nostalgia of the movie while tying in KH lore with the world beautifully. The scream canisters were sought out by unversed and the organization since it contained negative emotion. That was really clever of the writers to come up with. The Toy Story world had a lot of heart into and it was nice seeing my childhood favs again. I think the themes in Toy Story of abandonment and loyalty bring a unique dynamic to the KH world. Rapunzel’s world was also fun but face similar issues with the frozen world a bit (not to the same degree). It’s very movie focused however the characters of KH do a lot more here to where it feels like they’re all naturally working together which is more to say than the frozen world. Flynn partnering up with Sora gives a direct link for Sora to take part in the overarching Rapunzel story. The pirates of the Caribbean world was neat. I’ll be honest since I didn’t watch the movies I didn’t know what was going on half of the time but the world looked graphically impressive and Sora and friends blend in the best in this universe. It was really cool to see Jack again and sail in this world in an open world way. Also to go back to big hero six, I loved being able to traverse san fransokyo in a Spider-Man PS5 open area type of way. Twilight Town was also neat to revisit. The final act of the game was neat and gave a lot of closure and reappearances in storylines that were cooking for the past decades. Roxas, Shion, Ventus, Aqua, and Terra all return and I felt so happy. The bosses were challenging and fair expect for the Xehanort ones where I struggled keep myself afloat due to bullshit things. It seemed using different forms punished me more than rewarded me since some forms strip you away of the block button at least to my knowledge. The ending of the game was beautiful and gave even more closure with Eraquis being revealed to be inside of Terra. There’s also setup for Sora’s next journey so that’ll be fun to see.

Remind was also good and just elaborated on the ending of KH3 in a Steins:Gate type of way.

BBS 2.8 was great and really adds to the BBS storyline and leads up to KH3.

Dream drop distance controls like ass on the PS5 and I just can't get around to playing it. It irks the hell out of me that I'm forced to swap characters after a certain amount of time. For someone who likes taking my time in searching for things, this really deters me from doing anything with this game. I contemplate going back to it frequently but struggle to do so. I think if I was able to switch through the command deck with L2 and R2 like BBS my issues with the controls would feel much better.

Union X was interesting to watch. Grasped some things and got the gist of the story.

BBS and KH2 make this a 5/5 alone. Overall worthwhile package of games.

KH1 became an instant classic for me after beating it. The worlds are great except for little mermaid and the combat is simple but still really combative. The final boss was hell for me but made me feel super cool for beating.

Rechain is a very different game. I had dropped the game after getting 10 hours in because I wanted to move on with the story without the frustration of the bullshit bosses. Besides the bosses, I was able to get the hang of the combat system and it made for some really cool battles. I will come back to this game one day.

358/2 is depression core. My fellas are going through it in this one. Also the game provides a lot of context for KH2 in regards to Roxas.

KH2 is phenomenal. A huge step up from KH1 with a combat system that feels so smooth and sexy. The worlds are better, the characters grow, etc. The story is basically just the organization gaslighting Sora.

BBS - I LOVE THIS GAME SO FUCKING MUCH. Playing through every episode felt fresh because each world reserved an act of the story for each episode. I personally love the Sonic Heroes styled structure. The command deck is also really awesome and fun to play too. It's slower than KH2's combat but by no means does that make it worse. There's still a good combat flow. The characters are also really charming and sibling like. Protect them at all costs.

Recoded - honestly skipped and watched a recap on YT

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This game is a masterpiece.

I opted to play this version because it looks nicer and I personally love the 3D on the 3Ds.

The game's story pulls strings at my heart especially when Link becomes older and time skips. Despite the time jump, he's still the same kid just stuck as an adult. This story beat along with seeing what has become of Hyrule makes this one of my favorite narrative pieces in video game media.

Now onto the gameplay... that's awesome too. They do so much with the second screen when it comes to inventory and organizing. The dungeons in the game are phenomenal and a good head scratcher. Really fantastic puzzles on the developer's part.

Would like to return to this game again someday.

My first 2 hours of the game were just straight up boring. The enemies are repetitive especially collecting Metroids that don't evolve much early on.

I was about to put the game down until I slogged through the third area and got to area four. This is when things started picking up with a bigger variety of power ups and bosses. This game has some really good exploration overall. The parry mechanic feels great but is abusive and the Aeion abilities bring an interesting twist to the series. I used scan pulse as minimally as I could but the other abilities felt fun to use.

For what it's worth, I enjoyed every boss fight off the game (not including Metroids besides the Queen and Omega). I did not feel the same with Fusion. This game is also the lengthiest out the others.

This game is a good basis for what's to come. I haven't played Dread yet but I'm super excited based on what I've been hearing. The 2D series is in the hands of a good studio.

This game by far has the best story and concepts however it falls short in it's gameplay structure.

The story of the X-parasites turns this game into a survival horror metroidvania and reminds me of Resident Evil 2 a little bit. The SA-X being after you creates some intense moments and chases that will either have you thrilled or throwing your console.

The bosses in this game look sick. That's it though.. These fuckers are the most frustrating bosses I've had to play in any of these games. It's not even because they're hard. Most of them are programmed to do random shit and ram into you. There's no strategy in some boss phases other than jump and pray you don't get touched.

Another thing to note is that this game is most linear so the explorative charm of the other games is not really prominent. Very unfortunate but fine by me as the story keeps me engaged to make up for it. Also ironic because I played this game without knowing shit about Other M and Adam lmfaooo. But that didn't take any enjoyment out of me playing this game. At the end of the day, the platforming, story beats, and cool aesthetic of the game were enough to get me through.

This remake breathes a new life out of the original Metroid game. The controls felt really fluid and intuitive coming off the success of Metroid Fusion. You return once again to planet Zebes kick Mother Brain's ass all while figuring your way through the planet full of secret paths and bosses. Out of all the Metroid games I played, this one felt less stressful and was fun to get by. This could also be translated as: the game is a just a bit easier than the others. It's also a bit shorter than the other games.

The stealth sequence at the end is by far the biggest highlight of the game for me. At first it's like you put in all this time getting your suit powered up just to lose it... just to get even better and OP suit right after. That's kinda badass to me.

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I decided to play this game as my first Metroid game just so the controls wouldn't be jarring after trying out the other games. People don't usually read manuals anymore but I decided to do so before playing this game since I'm unfamiliar with metroidvanias.

The atmosphere and SNES visuals felt very nostalgic and eerie capturing the foreign planet vibes wonderfully. The controls felt clunky but was easy to adjust to. I played this game through NSO using the official SNES controller so I could get the best experience possible.

Planet Zebes had a really solid map layout and was interesting to explore. The bosses were really awesome and also kinda hard. I kinda cheated on some of them by using suspend points because let's be honest, I'd rather start right outside of boss room than walk across the map just to get to the same point. The ending was also really cool with the Metroid hatchling plot twist but it's mainly a rehash of Metroid 1.

My last input on this game is that IT DOES NOT HOLD YOUR HAND and I love it. Out of all the Metroid games I played so far (Super, ZM, SR3D, and Fusion) this one seems the most open and explorative. Feels rewarding figuring your way through things.