This review was written before the game released

Fuck blizzard for ruining their perfectly functional game, i hope yall go out of business

The ost is perfect, I love the living tombstone. The gameplay is great, keeping you engaged the whole time. Graphically its not the best but I can do without that. The concept of going into tapes to help people through their struggles makes this unique as hell, my favorite being Virginia's tape (the first one). The concept of being a therapist and having to help your patients who were considered a "lost cause" by many is just awesome dude. And it has an ending you wont soon forget.

HIGHLY recommended.


idk how to rly say it other than that. Hifi rush is legit the best game ive played in a LONGGGGG time. Not only is it actually polished with pretty much zero bugs in sight which is sadly rare nowadays, it also has great, engaging gameplay, a BANGER soundtrack that i'm still listening to like 7 months after release, GOOD DIALOGUE THAT FITS THE VIBE UNLIKE FORSPOKEN, AND A GREAT ARTSTYLE AND ANIMATION TO BOOT!!!!! I am a sucker for stuff like this and hifi rush legitimately has become one of my favorite games ive ever played. Easy 11/10 for me personally.


Its crazy how a Mario game can not only have a good story, but also be fun while also instilling that feeling of being lost in the infinite void of space.


I was SUUUUPER bad at puzzles in games until I played this. This game single handedly increased my tolerance level an absurd amount. Love it to bits. 11/10

As much as everyone likes to dogpile this game id say its still the 2nd best freddys game (first being vr). Yes it has a plethora of issues but id rather play in an open environment than be sat in an office doing jack shit for like 2 hours and then be done with it.

Still, I will admit fnaf 1 is still scarier. The fear factor here is practically none.