The game can literally play for you.

Ty will always hold a special place in my heart as one the earliest games I remember playing. It could be nostalgia bias, but I truly love this game. The environmental designs and atmosphere of the game are really nice to look at. Also this game has surprisingly good dialogue for a B-list platformer.

Extreme lack of variety to the boards of this game. Each board feels extremely basic and plain. The star prices seem a bit silly too. The unique dice blocks for each character as well as the allies were a nice way to spice up the game. The mini games do kinda slap though.

Probably the best original gameboy game. There were so many unique level ideas in Super Mario Land 2. And you can’t forget about the introduction to one of Nintendo’s greatest characters, Wario.

A love child of Melee and Brawl. A really awesome mod that makes returning to Smash in general a little fun. Although, I got burnt out on the franchise a while ago and never really returned to it.

This has major first game syndrome...

This game is fun to play with friends, but it lacks originality.

Pretty much the most fun way to play Mario Bros 2. The improved graphics, added voice lines, and star coins, make this game a unique experience.

Just play Mario Maker 2 if you have a switch.

This game is very easy to replay since it’s so short.

Kirby’s animal buddies that were added to this were probably some of the best editions to any game ever. Rick needs to show up more.

I love Majoras Mask, but not even this will capture the feel of the original N64 version. They made a few very unnecessary changes to the game. Moving things around that didn’t need to be and stuff like that. But the dumbest thing they did was give all bosses the weird eyeball weak point. Absolutely ruins the design of the bosses, and it makes them way easier! They also made Deku Link slower?? Not really sure why they made a bunch of unnecessary changes.

KOF 97 is really fun to play, but it’s soundtrack and visuals are really lacking. The story is amazing though.