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pretty great - not really a review, just a thought journal.

Ending of episode 1 was great/wild, even though I spoiled the very end of it for myself. Episode 4 was even better though.

very spoilery

Minerva's arrival at the bridge is the single best thing that ever happened in the game series. I know I'm fresh off it, but it might be one of the coolest things in the entire TWDU. RIP my boy Tennessee, though, hated losing him like that. was considering going back through and not trusting AJ so the outcome would have been violet and clem both dying but at least AJ has his buddy Tenn....even though he hilariously called him stupid so many times. BUT I was absolutely shocked when Clem showed up at the end, like dear god that twist was so well done. I thought it was some kind of dream sequence. I've always regretted choosing to tell Clem not to shoot Lee, so I went with telling AJ to kill clem. it was rough watching AJ swing that axe down on her. no thought whatsoever that he went for the leg. heck I was worried Violet would be upset with him for shooting Tenn to save her; and then I thought it was her calling him goofball, and was like oh that's nice, but then it was Clementine (plus Violet not holding grudge over Tenn)! So I was happy to keep my gals Clementine and Violet together. Don't remember much from the previous games, but that feels like the toughest choice/consequence in the games, ending up with Tenn or Violet getting killed, at least for me personally. I think they nailed the landing, great ending to the game and the series. at least for my play through, guess I don't know all the other possible outcomes. Oh and the song during the episode 4 credits was beautiful.

p.s. if your grandma is dying, stop watching cartoons.

Glad to have experienced AC Liberation

Unhappy with the AC3 re-experience

Happy to have this cleared from the backlog, after it was unceremoniously added by the Odyssey season pass.

77/84 achievements
1760/2000 G

never played the original back in the day, other than perhaps some fucking around at a friends house. in this day and age, it is more often frustrating and annoying than fun -- not even taking into account the issues with this port/"definitive edition". you just get so fucked by the game and it gets so ridiculous it becomes a really hard game. the driving, spinning around and flipping all over the place. not moving when you aim and shoot. enemies absolutely gang banging you. car blowing up instantly from a shotgun blow. it all adds up. most of the game does not hold up today, and I will not be arsed to do any of the side content after dragging Claude's and my ass to the finish line of the story. but there's still fun to be had. the voice cast is very fun, loved being yelled at by Robert Loggia in the bathroom. a worthwhile play to see where it all started.

It is more Oblivion, and that's really all you need to know one way or the other

its like that who would have thought meme but its me looking in the mirror after beating (and getting the platinum for) Bloodborne, my first FromSoft game. and I can still hardly believe I've actually done it. incredible game, and quite a journey-- one that started all the way back in January, but faltered at old yharnam due to frustration, confusion, and anxiety. but with a renewed vigor and an exceptional guide (FightinCowboy on youtube), I picked it backed up last week, and well, here we are. I think I get it now, these games. everything they've said, it is all true. I couldn't get enough, through all the struggles and triumphs-- I just wanted to play more Bloodborne. and so we must continue, as the good blood guides us to The Old Hunters DLC. Also feels like a gateway to the rest of the games-- Elden Ring isn't the only other one I want to play now. Demon's Souls and Dark Souls also have my attention.

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I think this may be my favorite of the three. They amped up the cinematic quality and it looks the best of the collection by far, as my memory serves. It had some swell character moments with Sully and Elena. Great performances again from both actors. I've always loved Elena's voice work; the part where she shows up in the jeep to help you catch the plane, her delivery of "yeah!" is perfect in an unexplainable way. Also nice to have Chloe around for a bit, and Charlie is a good addition too.

It definitely has a massively less shitty final level/boss than 2. but god damn there were just so many firefights, and they lasted forever with enemies seemingly popping out of your ass with how they randomly appeared at times. heavies could be pretty annoying, but brutes and their forced, drawn out brawls were just complete shit.

I thought there was going to be a more clear explanation of Talbot's bullshit at the end; I mean I really expected him to be like a big djinn that would be revealed at the end, especially after Marlowe died. But there wasn't anything. Still, I would not have enjoyed another bullshit supernatural final boss fight a la uncharted 2, so I'm okay with it.

Had wanted to play this for a long time, ended up a little disappointed. Was a pretty good story but you just move so slowly and the map is way bigger than I expected and I got pretty bored in the first half. Some of the story areas were just better than others. Ending was pretty good though, and the music was really good throughout.

Yep, Aloy is great. Story gets pretty cool once all the revelations about the past start coming. Fun gameplay and combat. A really nice looking and running game. Sylens was a prick to be sure, but a welcome one.

The Frozen Wilds is a good expansion and fits naturally in the game. I think it also had the best character models/best looking cutscenes of the entire game. Like even Aloy just seemed to look better.

pretty darn good. fun to play, looks good feels good. maybe not as good, or as polished, or as good looking as 4 or 5, but the bones are all here. Coming pretty fresh off a reprise with 4, some of the systems and progression here don't feel as smooth. also, skills and chains feel quite stingy compared to 4/5. you just can't really fault it for these things, or any other shortcomings or things it is "missing" compared to 4 & 5, tho. it built greatly on the foundation of Horizon 1 & 2, as Horizon 4 & 5 have also from this one. Australia is the star this time, and it is great fun to rip around the diverse locales. The opening sequence and the showcases are great as always. a fun and worthwhile experience all in all; shouldn't be missed if you like the horizon series and/or racing games. there isn't as much to do or as much variety as found in the sequels, so your mileage may vary. I got to a point where I'd opened each site and completed all the showcases (20ish hours), so not many unique things left to experience; a good point to shelve it. any further horizon fixes will likely be satiated through 5.

p.s. one annoying thing was the amount of traffic. seemed like there was loads more traffic, including drivatars, and it felt like borderline GTA traffic--programmed to get in your way. many times there would be large traffic buildups in front of speed traps. and at least one time, multiple drivatars piled up in front of a stunt jump just as I was driving up to it. the drivatars being ghosts/transparent in 4 & 5 was sorely missed.

terrible. played via the PS4 Mafia II: Definitive Edition. who the fuck is jimmy, what's the point of this? its just a bunch of little side missions that could have been in the base game--but glad they weren't, because they weren't fun to play and the base game did not need to be bogged down by this sort of content.

took me a long time to get into this one in a way where I could play it more than 30-60 minutes at a time. finally did get into it the last few days and wow did it get beautiful.

Didn't ever find much issue with getting Trico to do what I asked like I've seen complained about so often. he mostly knows where to go or figures it out without too much prompting. Controls for the boy were actually the frustrating part. Nearly reached my wits end many times simply trying to dismount Trico. Also nearly had a breakdown trying to get a fucking barrel out of a hole for ten minutes. I just wanted to feed my pal Trico!! But I think having difficulty with the controls and such is a part of forming a bond with Trico and the boy, much like the bond they build between themselves through many difficulties. Definitely grew to love Trico and the boy through every jump, close call, barrel toss, spear pull, pet, and conversation. Started pressing R1 a lot more just to say hi to Trico, and made sure to do it every time I had to separate from him and when we were reunited. very sad every time Trico was hurt or scared, especially at the end of the game, my goodness.

would love to know more about the world and what the hell was going on.

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didn't care too much for the combat, but the story was again a nice gap filler as to what happened to prompto after the train. and it was definitely nice to spend some more time with Aranea. you just know Prompto was thinking all of this was worth it when she pinned him on the ground and yelled at him.

funny that one old, crusty, menacing dude was in a cutscene early on in the main game and never seen again, only to find out Prompto just shot him offscreen lol.

I finally understand why Rob hates Delsin

I really don't think that one song needed to play on a loop the entire time in the city. but this was good and interesting. the best of the episodes probably.

beautiful. finally got back to this after starting it last year just before cancelling gamepass, but we're back, and this game is wonderful. the music, the environments, the gameplay and movement, the story and characters. The Ori games are at the top of the pack as far as recommendations I would offer to anyone who just got an xbox/subbed to gamepass.