Man this game is aggressively grey

If you think Just Cause 2 is better then I refuse to believe you played this game. That being said, this game runs TERRIBLY on PS4

Man I wish this game didn't just stop because I was having a great time playing it. Sadly embracer put a bullet in the head of this already long dormant series

The fact this game fit on a PSP is still insane to me

A good game that I am TERRIBLE AT

I will never forgive embracer for killing the next game in this series

Best Multi-player in the battlefield series. Shame it took them like 2 full years to actually fix it, but that now is no longer a problem

Please keep making rythm based combat games.

A solid, albeit janky as hell FPS

Playing the Witcher 3 before playing this, did no favors for inquisition

This game can suck the farts out of my ass

A collection of some of the best and most well designed stealth games ever made

Best of the Metro games and one of the most atmospheric shooters ever.