I really wanted this game to be good. It is not.

Probably the best full package when it comes to battlefield and while I think 4 edges it out slightly, this game truly shows what DICE can do if EA stops putting their foot on their neck

Z bully is one of the most fun characters I've ever played in a fighting game

Second best pokemon game and actually makes Gen 2 fun to play which is kind of impressive

Man I wish they made a sequel to this game

Man the soundtrack in this game was good. And as bait to trick artists to make corn of your fetishes for free, it's nice to get the game for free on the side.


If you want one of the most atmospheric walking Sims out there, this is your game. A well written interesting game that makes me feel terrible. I will never play this again but I don't regret playing it

The first world in this game is really good! Sadly I don't remember anything else from the rest of the time I played it

I wish I liked this game but sadly the main character could be replaced with a piece of wood with a >:( drawn on it and still have the same amount of expression

This is genuinely one of the most influential games ever made for both better and worse. That being said, it's campaign has highs that the series has been chasing for over 15 years now

A solid game in the series that is sadly surrounded by 2 games that are both better than it in every way. Still better than 1 tho

Man I wish the newer games in the series had the scale of this game

A game with cool ideas buried under the fact that it's sadly just not done/ was not given the resources it needed