There is not a single game I want a proper remake more than this game. Seeing what they were able to do with 360 hardware and thinking about the INSANE scale they could achieve with modern consoles, man this could be something special.

Easily the best thing that Telltale made, and a solidly written game that feels held together with string and chewing gum

A game carried heavily by how and enjoyable the exploration is. That being said few games feel driven towards creating an experience like BoTW.

An alright smash clone but one you're not really missing out on if you never played it

Listening is not enough, I need the soundtrack of this game up my ass

A sequel that improved on GRAW in tons of different ways. A worthy sequel unlike everything else that has the Ghost Recon name after it

This game was like the bedrock of my experience with shooters and I'll always look fondly back on that

This game is so unbelievably bland and boring its insane. The fact this is in the same series as GRAW pains me

The robo dinosaurs are cool and finding out how they came to be was quite interesting. The rest of the game was fine

On par with WotR as the best of the best when it comes to CRPGS. A game whose systems allow for such an insane expression of creativity that is only rivaled by immersive Sims while having a frankly crazy amount of content.

People forget this game even exists and for good reason

A solid CRPG that I wish had some better party members. That being said the Denver area in this game is one of the most inspired areas I've played in a while

This game is like a heroine drip for my brain

Probably my favorite of all the ps2 Era mascot platformers

This game is buns and the only saving grace is that it's like 4 hours . I can't think of another game that made me sick while playing but the intense shaky cam stuck RIGHT BEHIND THE PLAYER still gives me a headache when going back to look at this game