The PS3 version of this game does not have the save carry over to the later games properly. Other than that, well, it's Mass Effect. If you're reading this review, you probably already have some idea of what kind of game this is. That idea is probably dead on.

I enjoyed knocking enemies down as Jack Chaosman, but it did get old kind of quickly.

I wish Ringo was in a game I actually enjoyed playing.

I'd probably like this game more if I was as into Star Wars as I used to be when I was a kid. As it is, I'd put it somewhere between "serviceable" and "good."

If you liked Insomniac's previous Spider-Man, you'll probably like this one. It's not very different, for better or worse.

The soundtrack and art are both great, but this really is not a game to play single-player. Unfortunately, I didn't have anyone to play this with.

The basic gimmick is cool, and the writing isn't half bad, but the combat kind of sucks, and I really did not like the art style. Maybe the original version would be more my speed, but I'm not very interested in checking it out.

This game gave me headaches but it was pretty cool aside from that.

It's amazing to look at, but this is fundamentally a game from the 80s with all the pitfalls that come with that fact.

The music is pretty good, and the visuals are nice. However, the writing is thin, and the gameplay is perfunctory. It's not the worst turn-based RPG out there, but I still prefer Yakuza Like A Dragon.

Many of the puzzles are pretty obtuse, but at least they don't kill you. The depiction of Gnosticism is awful, though.

This game is genuinely designed for children. If you aren't one, you probably won't enjoy it.

This game is fun, I just suck at it.

They really did remake Final Fantasy 7. I probably shouldn't have watched the Chip And Ironicus Let's Play before playing it.