The YA energy is strong with this one. Cute and fun with an ok gimmick that doesn’t overstay its welcome. It’s a good 👍

The first two acts of this game nail pretty much everything. The art, vibes, world building — off the charts. The ending really soured an otherwise rich experience. (N.B.: I can understand why the name was changed, but I still think it’s a bit of a shame. “Backbone” was a metal af title, even if it poorly represented the game).

Playing Tetris on my phone was the hobby I picked up during quarantine. I’m past my peak now, but I still love the game and hope to get back into it at some point. My pb is 4,654,500.


My favorite thing about Doom is how self-indulgent it is. The game makes it abundantly clear that the only thing it is interested in serving is gorey, high-octane action set to the most badass soundtrack you e ever heard, and y’know what? Step aside, nuanced and narratively rich games; I’ve got demons to blast.


You know they were on to something in 1993 when you have just as much fun with this game as a modern shooter.

Not only one of the best video game sequels, but one of the best sequels in general. This game improves upon everything that the first game established, adding a thematically rich feminist narrative to the established formula of inventive puzzles and witty dialogue. They even add lore to boot! A legendary game by all accounts.

Classic puzzle game with a sharp wit and a hot robot antagonist. No notes.

Fuck you Blizzard for turning my favorite online multiplayer into a toxic, predatory, and lifeless piece of shit. I’m leaving and taking the hamster with me (I’m in denial, I can’t live without my precious Hammy, I’ll just cry about it ig).

Wrecking Ball supremacy 🐹🐹😤😤💪💪

The artistry, effort, and creativity that went into this game is off the charts. I’ll admit that the difficulty makes it a game I don’t pick up often, but I love it nonetheless.

One of the first games I played on the Xbox One (my first game console), and my introduction to my now-favorite game genre, roguelikes/lites. This is my biggest comfort/casual game. I love clearing rooms while listening to music and just chilling.

I’ve probably played more Minecraft than any other game — I’ve certainly played it over the longest period. My nostalgia for this game is intense, and I still enjoy playing with my friends every once in a while, but I would be lying if I thought it was even close to a perfect game. Even so, Minecraft’s quirks are so familiar to me that it’s imperfections seem as natural as the thing itself. I wouldn’t change a thing [insert joke about the next update here].

This game was one of my first loves, I owe so many formative memories to it. I would draw birds and piggies in the margins of my math homework all the time. Even if I think the aggressive franchising of the brand stole some of the charm, the original holds up in my [heavily rose-tinted] memory.