(100%ed) Turnip Boy returns with a Rogue”extra-lite” experience. All of the charm of the original, and the Roguelike switch up was less jarring than I thought. Most unexpected moment of 2024 so far has been almost crying at the ending of this game. Play these games, they’re great!!

One of the first games I played on the Xbox One (my first game console), and my introduction to my now-favorite game genre, roguelikes/lites. This is my biggest comfort/casual game. I love clearing rooms while listening to music and just chilling.

Throughout 2019 and 2020, I was in a major funk. Between my parents’ divorce and quarantine, my stress and ennui were overwhelming. My piano teacher, who also co-owned a community theater, saw my creativity and encouraged me to write my own play. With the support of the people around me I did, and we performed it in the summer of 2021. The extreme catharsis that I felt once we had finished is one of the major highlights of my Highschool years. The intense feeling of gratitude and of overcoming in that moment is the closest feeling I can use to describe finishing this game. This is easily one of the most enriching and rewarding games over ever played, and I think everyone owes it to themselves to give it a shot.

The best story in any game I’ve played. It’s super short and requires no skill, and I believe everyone should play it at some point. The individual vignettes blend morbidity and surrealism masterfully, and all weave together to paint the beautiful yet heartbreaking story of the Finches. Could not recommend more highly. Play it NOW!!

The YA energy is strong with this one. Cute and fun with an ok gimmick that doesn’t overstay its welcome. It’s a good 👍


Charming and simple free game. It’s nothing special, but a fun enough and short experience. Hope the devs are on to bigger and better things <3


You know they were on to something in 1993 when you have just as much fun with this game as a modern shooter.

The artistry, effort, and creativity that went into this game is off the charts. I’ll admit that the difficulty makes it a game I don’t pick up often, but I love it nonetheless.

This game fundamentally changed the way I think about games. It’s has some of the best humor and characters in any game, as well as a legendary soundtrack. There is literally nothing I can say that hasn’t already been said a thousand times, and that’s for good reason.

Playing Tetris on my phone was the hobby I picked up during quarantine. I’m past my peak now, but I still love the game and hope to get back into it at some point. My pb is 4,654,500.

There are two sides to this story. The noir side of it is relatively shallow and used more as an aesthetic/framing device than anything. The other covers the history of the universe and humanity, and muses about their future. The marriage of the two works quite well, and makes for a completely unique and stunning experience. (N.B.: I think this game would be best completed in a couple of sittings. I divided it much more when I played it, and I feel I got an imperfect experience of the game because of it).

It’s an undeniably great game, but I just don’t like the gameplay loop. I wish I could have liked it more, but there’s nothing to be done.

Best title of any game ever. It’s just as fun and silly as it sounds.

Silly, funny, simple, fun. FREE MONEY!!!!

Classic puzzle game with a sharp wit and a hot robot antagonist. No notes.