Its interesting in its concept. But way too much stuff happens in the fights. The final boss also seems to have a glitch.

Its a pretty okay platformer. Though it is on the short side.

This game was very generic. Not only having less bosses, but an extremely basic plot as well. It also didn't help they tried to hide who the villain was very poorly with how he clearly shows that he's the villain.

Not as good as the first one and is a lot shorter.

Really liked this as a kid, and still play it to this day. I love how certain missions focuses on certain characters and how you swap between them and monsters after you beat them.

This game is pretty rough. Not only do you lose coins when you lose minigames, the gameplay is pretty slow and mostly feature the joystick. You can't even access the final board unless you have 980 coins so good luck grinding.

Really like this Punch-out style along with its humor. The motion controls can be hard to use when dodging though so I recommend the touch screen.

It's basically the arcade game with the usual difficulty spike.

So far the game's pretty good and the dialogue is pretty funny. However it has a lot of lag during loading points and a couple of frame rate drops. The game sometime even crashes.

This versions' pretty basic but it's an okay game. It did gave a bigger role compare to the console release, making them bosses rather than just enemies that constantly spawn. The levels have different themes based on the main characters, each with its own version of enemies and gimmicks using the touch which I really like as it makes them stand out more.

Its a pretty solid game. But kind of bogged down by its combat and lack of original characters. The antagonist's reason for his plan is also really bad.

Hilarious game with a solid story.