17 reviews liked by NaHope

I was the one who added it to the database.
The best mod I've ever played, amazing how it improves the already very solid combat of the best ARPG I've ever played (Kingdom Hearts II), although it can get even better.

I love the combat, it's Kingdom Hearts II with x2 speed with a lot of Devil May Cry inspiration, allowing a higher combo bar.

What I liked most about the original was how magic was used compared to others in the franchise, in this mod it's much improved, giving the ability to alternate magic between using it on the ground, in the air and as a finisher.

The Drive Forms are very fun although it lacks a greater amount, there are only 3 in the Alpha, which I understand for being an Alpha that allows you to play the game from start to finish that even plan to add much more extra content.

This mod is not saved from negative things, but being an Alpha can be solved in the future, for example it is very easy even if you play it in Critical Mode, if you play in level 1 you will not have an experience as good as KH2 OG, because here the amount of enemies increases a lot, it is a mod more planned to be played with level up.

The only bosses that are difficult are Larxene and Zexion, Zexion is really horrible in this mod, he has a lot of HP and you can't avoid being trapped by the book like in the original, even if you continue a combo he will escape.

Also the lack of Limit Summons, you only have 3 forms available in the Alpha and a Limit which is a healing with Vergil's spinning swords, I hope they increase it in the future.

And finally you are not a lion, you go very slow in that world and boss fights are cut because of it (they have 1HP), I hope they change or directly remove it from the game.

I had a lot of fun with this mod, I totally recommend it, especially if you want to explore KH2 again.

Esse jogo me fez ter medo de um planeta, recomendo

Tive vontade de me matar jogando isso. Gameplay toda torta e dura, boneco mais lento que um cara sem perna. Você anda e anda e anda durante 85% do jogo.

Mas pelo menos a música final é boa.

Um projeto ambicioso, que apesar de suas ressalvas, se destaca principalmente por seus acertos, e se mantém como sólido.

Muitas das sensações a respeito de alguns elementos foram agridoces para mim, hora parecia estar agradável, hora parecia estar arrastado ou não funcionando como deveria.

Apesar de inicialmente parecer interessante, a resolução dos puzzles se tornou cansativa e até mesmo insuportável em alguns pontos depois de um certo tempo, e sendo os mesmos uma grande fatia do que nos faz progredir, é um problema considerável.

Já o combate, é mais complexo, e pode até ser algo pessoal, mas foi me passada a impressão de que o sistema não foi feito pensado no combate com múltiplos inimigos, em trechos nesse contexto, as opções pareciam disfuncionais, não senti que estava agradável, mas em combates diretos contra um único inimigo, em especial contra chefes, foi o exato oposto, as mecânicas de combate são mais fluidas e bem mais divertidas.

No entanto, deixadas as ressalvas, é preciso comentar a respeito do que fez Hellblade fazer o barulho que fez quando foi lançado, o primor técnico no que se diz respeito a experiência audiovisual.

É impossível pensar em Hellblade sem relacionar com a necessidade e recomendação de se usar fones de ouvidos para uma experiência completa, e não é a toa. O trabalho feito com a ajuda de neurocientistas na retratação da psicose através dos visuais e principalmente das vozes é sublime, a imersão é inigualável e a mensagem é forte.

Alinhado a uma trilha sonora fantástica, um storytelling impecável e uma atuação de primeira classe de Melina Juergens como Senua, Hellblade é espantoso, principalmente se lembrarmos que tudo partiu de um estúdio independente.

Apesar de gostar do que vi, eu não sei se recomendaria com tanta segurança para qualquer pessoa, mas é definitivamente um trabalho artístico que merece ser experienciado pelo máximo de pessoas possível.

This review contains spoilers

In a way, I wish I could give this a netural Steam rating instead of negative because there ARE many moments of brilliance reminicent of the first game scattered through out - but ultimately, I can't really think of a reason why this sequel exists, besides just wanting more of the same and if that's what you want, good on ya

If you haven't played the first game, there's no point in playing this, because it relies heavily on events from it, while also being a much worse story/game. If you HAVE played the first one and already understand most of the mystery, did you really think an ending that intentionally and powerfully played with themes of purgatory in delicate manner needed further conclusion?

There's also a lot of technical hiccups that made the experience much more frustrating than it needed to be, which absolutely soured my mood and left me harsher than I otherwise would be. Note - there are NEVER autosave points where you'd think they would be. Let's say the protagonists are in a house and have a confrontation with people. You go through a 5-10 minute sequence, there's some gameplay, lots of dialogue etc and it's eventually wrapped up. The other people leave and our protagonists have a moment where they decide where to go next and exclaim that they should start heading over there now. You would think that's a decent place to quit the game - but nope, I had to redo the entire previous sequence :( now imagine this happening again lol

That's also not counting the handful of sequences I had to redo because things bugged out - like characters no longer being able to move. When I restarted after that, a radio conversation I had just had with Olivia never played? I had Jacob get stuck running in place at one point. Radio conversations reset themselves sometimes. Characters would ask questions they'd already asked before or knew the answer to. Certain action prompts like climbing ropes occasionally feel sticky - once I was required to stand in a pixel perfection position to climb a rope and I was like ohhh my god no dont tell me the game has bugged AGAIN (and at least this one time it hadn't)

The story and characters are....kind of a complete mess? Not an entirely bad mess, I'll grant you that. Riley and Jacob can be quite enjoyable - although, the relationship between them isn't super balanced, as Jacob will be the one that speaks/rambles while Riley interjects a lot less. It makes a lot more sense if you think of Jacob as having ADHD, which he's quite hard coded as imo. But anyway, I noticed this has already been pretty decisive in the other reviews. There are other characters scattered about on the radio who range from enjoyable and interesting (Nick!) to not really anything to uhhh well I completely missed one of them apparently lol

The story unfortunately didn't click with me, mostly because the antagonists are either 1. just stuff from the first game, which I'll admit is still really cool but also nothing new and 2. these really really boring and dull hollow teenagers. I'm not surprised that 80% of players let Olivia stay behind because why the fuck wouldn't you lol? She's a nothing character and WANTS it. We really don't interact with her much over the course of the game and the moments she is nice are so shallow and quickly over that they leave no impact, meaning it's a disappointingly easy choice. When I realized where things were going, I stopped picking dialogue choices and just let Riley be silent to avoid Olivia changing her mind lol

I just sorta feel like I was being pulled along for the ride with the plot, probably not helped by the main structure being "okay we need you to go to these 3 places to put down things and doing that will probably fix everything!". I just would have liked a bit more motivation and personal investment in things, I guess

So at one point, Alex and characters from the first game show up and fair play, it's initially really cool!! but then Alex just kinda immediately cowards out of her initial menacing demenor and is suddenly on our side? And it's just really whiplashy and undermines the point of her being here, basically relegating her to fanservice support piece imo

I realize this is a Me Being Dumb thing but I also found navigating the island so fucking tedious. I got lost a few times and having to backtrack with mildly slow characters with mildly finnicky button prompts really took it out of me. Listen, Jacob spending 10 minutes talking about his favourite yoghurt or whatever might be boring as shit, but it beats the long stretches of empty silence I got while backtracking across the map lol

The thing with a game like this, I ended up googling "oxenfree 1 plot summary" about a quarter of the way in to refresh my memory on some things and upon reading it, I was like "oh man, the first game did have a really fucking cool mystery....I wish this game had that". When you, as a sequel, rely so heavy on the first product, you're inviting the audience to make comparisons, which is a dangerous game because it's very easy for them to end up wishing they were playing that instead. In fact, I think this might've ended up stronger with less ties to the original game, where it could stand more on its own merit

I did really wanted to enjoy this - the beginning is really strong!!! the spooky moments are awesome!!! the visuals/audio are generally great!! but in terms of cohersion, "mess" is the only word I have to describe it

This was a real disappointment for me, the setting is wonderful and the vibes are good. But it is hidden behind so much unfulfilling gameplay and backtracking sequences. The emotional core was empty for me here, your main travelling companion is one of the most annoying characters I can ever remember.

Oxenfree 2 left me with a sense of disappointment, especially when compared to the captivating experience of its predecessor. While the game introduces some new elements, they feel more like attempts to compensate for what's missing rather than genuine enhancements.

One of the charms of the first game was the subtlety of its supernatural elements. In Oxenfree 2, however, it seemed like every scene was overloaded with ghosts and supernatural occurrences, diluting the intrigue that made the original so captivating. The subtlety was replaced with a more heavy-handed approach, and the result felt overdone and lacking the nuance that made the first game special.

While Jason is an acceptable character, being stuck with him throughout the entire game felt like a missed opportunity. Unlike the ensemble cast of the first game, where interactions were diverse and engaging, this installment limits the player to Jason and a few radio personalities who, for the most part, lack the depth and uniqueness that made the first game's characters memorable.

The attempt to tie Oxenfree 2 into the narrative of the first game felt forced and unnatural. While I understand the desire to create a connection, it seemed more like an obligatory nod than an organic continuation of the story. This element, unfortunately, detracted from the game's overall cohesiveness.

To its credit, the gameplay remains relatively consistent with the first game, and there are no complaints in that department. The mechanics that worked well in the original are preserved, maintaining a familiar and enjoyable experience.

Oxenfree 2, while not a bad game, struggles to live up to the expectations set by its predecessor. The supernatural elements feel overplayed, the main companion lacks the charisma of the original cast, and the forced tie-ins disrupt the natural flow of the narrative. While the gameplay remains solid, the overall experience falls short of the mark, leaving fans of the first game with a tinge of disappointment.



Um jogo que está em desenvolvimento quando alguns de nós erámos apenas adolescentes ainda. O "GTA Brasileiro" é uma proposta incrível que, nas mãos certas, seria um ótimo jogo.

Entretanto, uma empresa indie mal tem recursos para criar um jogo de tal escala - e lançando ele em early access só mostrou o quão verdade é isso. Esse jogo definitivamente não tem potencial ALGUM para ser o que promete e prometeu.

Comparando com o trailer 2015, você consegue ver apenas poucas mudanças no jogo de antes com o jogo de agora. Eu lamento em dizer que 171 é um jogo que morrerá como um fracasso.

Mas não era de se esperar, afinal receber o título de GTA Brasileiro vem com expectativas no talo.

Apesar de tudo, eu acredito que a ambientação do jogo foi em cheio - a cidade realmente lembra muito o Rio de Janeiro, então acho que temos que bater palmas para isso.

Não comprem 171.



além de ser um asset flip, é injogável, não aguentei nem 1 hora, extremamente bugado, gameplay péssima e cai fps toda hora mesmo em uma rtx 3060

Eu adorei a expansão das tumbas e do gameplay no geral. Mas a história desse jogo é tão ruim que me fez baixar duas estrelas inteiras.

O vilão é ESTÚPIDO e eu odeio o deutaragonista dessa joça.