the best Halo fanfiction i've ever played. i'm so glad Microsoft let fans, and not professional writers, make a non-canon story for the series and have it be published. such generosity from Microsoft.

cracks open sugar free Monster oh yeah.


fuck me dead if this shit ain't actually best.

no colorful graphics? no laser gun outside of secrets? reloading? a wise cracking Sam that's honestly more cringeworthy than from the First and Second Encounters? if all these things piss you off, you've come to the right place!

me: "Second Encounter isn't the second Serious Sam game? Okay I guess I'll give it a tr- oh nooo, oh god nooooooo."

hey, at least the super shotgun felt nice to use.

same review from my First Encounter review, but i only genuinely enjoyed South America and the Cathedral battle.

sometimes, your shoot bangs don't need to be complex, story driven, or even popular. sometimes, a billion enemies appearing on screen to kill you is all you need.

Gearbox: "Do you like Handsome Jack?"

me: "Please, no."

Gearbox: "Well he's not here anymore (allegedly), so here's an attempted carbon copy of that same personality type, split into two annoying 'streamers' that totally don't make us look like we're out of touch with our main audience at all!"

me, crying: "Please just make the shoot bangs good."

Gearbox: "Do you like Handsome Jack? Well here's more of it, but Troy Baker and Laura Bailey are also there!"

me: "Interesting, but I'll take it"

Gearbox: "Do you like Handsome Jack? Well here's more of him!"

me: "Yes, please, thank you."

hmm, yes. stinky. stinky, but with a rustic charm.

i play this game non-stop when i'm either bored or depressed. both can sometimes be placed on the responsibility of Randy Pitchford.

me, as a dumbfuck 13 y/o: "Dante's so lame, he's that anime edgelord that's super strong and nothing can hurt him. I'm quitting this game at Mission 2 because it's stinky."

me, as a distinguished 22 y/o: "omg Dante's so cool."

me, staring at the clock at my work place, reminded of the crippling amount of work that is needed to be done and knowing i'm not fully capable of doing it all in a timely manner: gains Insight

oh wait this is a Bloodborne review, uh, yeah the boy swings the weapons good and the monsters go splat.