[FR] An average fighting game enjoyer who enjoy video games
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Pokémon Black Version 2
Pokémon Black Version 2
Elden Ring
Elden Ring
Melty Blood: Type Lumina
Melty Blood: Type Lumina
Lies of P
Lies of P


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This game was... Godamn amazing !!
Its just a J-rpg with a pretty good fighting system, the graphism are charming, there is a ton of easter egg, hidden content and meme reference which make the game funny while keeping the seriousness of the scenario. I really like the artistic direction with pretty good charadesign for the main characters and and the game succeeds in alternating between cute, funny and disturbing character designs. The soundtrack is absolutely perfect. The story... It was just wonderful I love it !! The story is really well done, as we progress the story becomes more and more clear. The transition between [...] and [...] (I won't spoil any content but people who played will understand) are placed in a basic way but they are too well placed and that make your scenario comprehension even better !! There is 2 principal route and something like 3 main ending, a secret ending for the good ending and 3 other minors bad ending and godamn those ending was stunning asf !! I rarely cry for a game but this time... The conclusion was sooooo emotional.. The cutscene of the secret ending was.. BRO I HAVENT THE WORD TO DESCRIBE THIS !! And for finish, the good ending was for me a big heartbreaking... I would not leave the game !! I would not leave these characters !! I want to see them again !! I want to live new adventure with them !!!!

In conclusion, this game is so far one of my favorite, there is really a moral to be gained from it and it really change something in my life.
