It's good. I killed a Vampire in one hit, simple stuff.

Dusted off the Wii U for this one. It's great, though the story is suuuuuuuuuuuuch a step down from the first. BUT, the combat is a lot of fun to mess around in and the world itself is insane. There are so many cool things to see (and KILL) that it's almost unbelievable that it released on the Wii U. Unfortunately it's not an easy game to get your hands on now but it's one that I definitely recommend. I know no one's arguing this but Riki > Tatsu. I like Riki.

Brought this game to Japan to play during downtime since I'd already played Definitive Edition. Facts is, it's not the best version of the game nor is it the only portable version of the game anymore. But, it's still Xenoblade Chronicles so it's borderline perfect. Don't know if I'll go back to this version of the game, maybe.

I played this game after going to Japan and got really excited when I realized that I walked down one of the streets in Kamurocho. Though I'm kicking myself cause that means I was RIGHT THERE. Whatever, this is definitely a step up from Yakuza 3. Akiyama is one of the best characters in the series and he's just one of four playable characters? Saejima's not as fun to play as unfortunately and there's a really dumb reveal later on in the story. Regardless, this is just another good Yakuza game.

Ugh, what happened? I wonder if I was too unfair to X5. X6 had all of the issues I had with X5 with some of the worst level design in the entire series up to this point. It still has the bullshit of heart tanks only being awarded to the character that collected it, which completely defeats the purpose of allowing you to choose your character every mission. Also, what's up with potentially coming across unwinnable fights depending on which bosses you completed first? Also, why would you ever use normal X? That's just a major handicapped. If you're given the option of playing with armor that gives you multiple benefits including half-damage or without that, why would you ever pick the latter option?? Unless of course you really like this game and if that's the case, good on you. I wish I could see what you see.

Finally played this one after seeing so many people talk about it over the past decade (well, maybe not recently but whatever). Didn't end up liking this one as much as the second. I think it mostly comes from the overall quality of the story and characters of the second in comparison to this one. Also, idk if it gives the villains as much as I wanted coming off of the second game. Which I realize is unfair but still.

YES YES YES! Played a Japanese copy so I still don't know what they're saying or really how to play but I don't care.

Just a really good spider-man game. Miles is incredibly endearing, the we slinging is enhanced slightly with the PS5 controller. It's got a better story than I thought it might given that it's an in-between for the sequel but as I played I definitely came to understand that this one is probably just as important as the first game. Though I did prefer this one slightly less. Still, a very good time.

Not much to say. It's short and simple. Finally got around to playing it with a month of PS+.

Pffffffffffffffffft, I'm conflicted. I've grown to love the original FF7 the more that time has gone on. And this game is not the original. I knew that was going to be the case but at the same time, I don't know how much of the new stuff I really like. There are some great spots, but forgettable side missions, annoyingly linear level design definitely hamper the experience. This is one that I'll definitely need to re-evaluate how I feel about this game when the second and third part release.

(Replay May 2023): I was upset because of a lot of dumb mistakes I made and so I replayed MGS 3 to make myself feel better. Which worked, though of course the ending did me in a bit again. Metal Gear's fucking perfect and there's a strong case to be made that this one's the best in the series. I just replayed it and I'm already looking forward to playing again in November.

Fucking... I bought a PS5 for this game and I was not disappointed in any capacity. It's a remake of one of my favourite games of all time. I still feel like this remake isn't necessarily warranted, but at the same time, they put so much care and attention into this game that any worries I had were decimated by the time I played the demo. Put simply, the game is absolutely fantastic. One nice thing as well is that it doesn't make the original irrelevant. So I can go back to the original for more reason than just wanting to hear Luis say "Big Cheese" again.

Definitely a step-up from the first game though it does share a lot of it's DNA with it. I'm still not into the story very much (like, at all unfortunately), but, the game is a lot of fun regardless. The combat and boss fights in particular are much better. Adding the DLC weapons from the first one while adding a few more and then on top of that adding many more abilities and options for each one adds a lot of depth to character building. The dark realms are also fantastic and consistently change the atmosphere and tension of each boss fight that uses them. The counters are also a fantastic addition, and tbh I didn't even know for most of the time that there were three types that had different animations depending on which spirit you had equipped. This is a big, meaty game, though I should say I was getting a little burnt out by the time I reached the credits. But hey, I liked the setting so much, I decided to visit Japan. So that's why it took 2 months to finish this one.

Idk. This game definitely felt like a step down from the first two. The jokes don't land most of the time (while also being overly long) and the characters are pretty flat. It's still Disgaea, so you get out of it what you put in and I didn't want to put much in.