please stop zoning me thanks

testament made me go from bisexual to pansexual

azure but less awesome

the only reason this isnt perfect is cause falcom will never make anything perfect unfortunately

skill issue tbh

it's basically like dying over and over again if it was awesome

transgender people can double jump

Celeste buy count: 7

its like speedrunning but on drugs

i will never get rid of 100% of corruption in a world ever again that was a pain

they still didnt make lady playable + theres no lady and nico *** scene

mid tbh

transgender people are so awesome i wish they were real

its more content for strive do i even need to say anything

Was my first GG game and now that I'm playing Strive instead, there are some things I miss from this one and some that are clear improvements

I really miss some of the charm and insane stuff chars can do in this game. Yeah Strive still gives you a lot of freedom and is a 'kinda loose' FG, but Rev2 just gives u many more tools to work with not to mention 25% meter instead of 50% just giving you constant RCs and Supers. Yeah I do prefer the way meter works in Strive, but it was a lot more flex and loose in Rev2. The insta-kills are also just. Incredible. I really wish that Strive kept at least the same level of animation and charm that those had with some of it's Supers. They don't need to instantly end the match no but at least y'know, same awesome animations would be awesome

The OST is easily my fav in the series, the guitars just pop off so damn hard in here

elphelt is awesome btw

The new blades are all incredibly fun to play with at any moment in the game. Corvin being probably the most fun tank in the game easily, and building dmg up with Crossette to awesome numbers is just really cool. I don't care much for Side Quests so won't be reviewing that

Challenge Mode however really makes this an amazing piece of DLC. I'm not reviewing Torna here cause that's being reviewed standalone instead. Challenge Mode is where I spent most of my XC2 playtime in. I have 1.2k hrs at the moment of this review, and a lot of that was either preparing for Challenge Mode or doing challenges. Those are really challenging even with broken builds, especially on BoC, they all bring some of the best aspects of the game's combat forward and make it just extremely engaging. I personally think I enjoyed completing all Challenges more than Torna itself. Really just incredible piece of DLC. And if we include Torna in here, which is included in the Expansion Pass, it's easily the best, most worth piece of DLC Content for a game I've ever played

this makes botw look like a tech demo