Nothing has the vibe this does

beat the village again fuck I love this game

I have a lot of thoughts on this one. Overall I like it, but I think it has a fair bit of aspects I don't care much about. The gameplay is good, blasting stuff is fun, Star-Lord's elemental blasters was always videogamey as shit, and it translates well to the combat and environment. It would be nice if each element had the same depth as the wind setting, instead of just color-coded shields. I didn't care that much about a few of the abilities. Drax and Gamora's AOEs especially when they both feel inferior to Rocket's. I think I ran into more glitches than the average person would, there were a handful of moments where I had to reload the checkpoint because the next scene would not happen or characters were trapped in the level geometry. This game has the thing where characters will be constantly interrupting each other when you hit the next scene, I feel like I missed out on good stuff because of it. The story was a big part of why I played, they made it very clear that their biggest inspiration was Guardians Of The Galaxy (2008), which is one of my favorites, and the first time these characters are a team. It has the comics influence, totally, but the tone is definitely more in line with the James Gunn movies, which is to be expected. The music choices are way more "ultimate 80's nostalgia mix" than the movies' tracks, and they don't always match the tone and themes like the movies. If you liked the movies or enjoyed games like Marvel's Spider-Man, Id recommend this one for sure.


one of my fav castlevanias

YUP its dope. Currently not sure which one I prefer but this ones for sure a lot harder

Fine game overall but I really wish it committed to being more of its own thing, I've warmed up to it more considerably these last 2 playthroughs, but its hard to ignore some flat out unappealing qualities. It's nice that SOTFS gives you the dull ember way earlier than the original, but adding a million items needed for the dlc is awful. The ADP stat and the way movement and attacking feels in general is still very disappointing, especially after just 100%ing dark souls 1, which still feels perfect. The whole game hypes you up to die a lot and lose souls constantly but the only challenge this game offers for the most part is the amount of gank squads in every area. But its more dark souls so it cant be that bad. Running around with 50 FTH and sunlight blade kicks ass. The game has a lot of cool things to experiment with magic wise and overall has a lot of weird cool things none of the other games have. Bonfire ascetics are kind of an amazing idea, and I love the random shit like the butterfly armor that poisons people. I wish there was more of that personality in the game.