The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is one of the most overhyped and completely overrated games of all time. It's just a bloated version of BotW. Not enough content was added/changed to warrant a higher rating than 1 star.

Also the more I think about the game, the angrier I get. There was so much potential here, but they added so little. Seriously, 6+ years for this? Botw took 6 years and came with a whole new open-world, tons of secrets, a brand new engine with new mechanics, 5 semi-open dungeons and also got 2 DLC add ons that added more enjoyment to the game than Totk did.

Tears barely changed the overworld, added 2 interesting places in the sky (Great Sky Island and the thunder themed islands, the dungeons were garbage), 4 new mechanics (all of which are not as good as the previous sheika slate abilities) and the Depths.

The Depths are disappointing because of HOW UTTERLY EMPTY they are! Everywhere looks the exact same (apart from below Eldin, that's it!) and there's nothing to do but find armour sets that were in the previous game (also you won't use them lmao) and fight Master Kogha like 5 times, and those boss fights are so easy and boring that they're not even worth mentioning.

The main draw of Botw was the world, exploring and finding secrets or cool vistas and being rewarded for that. In Totk, that appeal is gone because you've already explored this world, and the rewards are all exactly the same.

There's so many more things I can say, but overall this game is incredibly lazy and had so much wasted potential.

Breath of the Wild is better.

Arguably the best game ever made. Easy the greatest story in any video game, very fun gameplay and incredible locations. Even the mods for this game are amazing and very well polished. If you are thinking about playing this game, I beg you to go into it knowing nothing! The less you know, the better. It's a heart-pumping and wrenching game with one of the best soundtracks ever (at least I think so).

This is a masterpiece in the world of video games.

A legendary game that has its flaws but still holds up to this day.

A fantastic conversion-mod for Skyrim, but it's held back from it's own potential due to frequent translation errors, low-quality voice acting and strange level design.

The most open sandbox game ever, and certainly the most moddable. This game holds many memories from my childhood and Its still a fantastic experience today. Play with mods and shaders though.

Not as good on console as this game heavily benefits from mouse and keyboard. One of the best FPS games, a formidable challenge and blood pumping throughout. OH and the soundtrack is just incredible.

Outer Wilds is a modern classic, and one of the best games ever made. This DLC is better.

Some of the best and most unnerving ambience, atmosphere and visuals in any horror game, but the actual scares are lackluster and the ending seems unfinished.


One of the best horror games ever made 🙌

One of the best survival games, but riddled with bugs.

Better visuals, locations, music and gameplay than the first game, but falls short on content, story and scares.

Probably the survival game that you will have the most fun playing.

Very nostalgic to me, but the story isn't very well paced or clear to the player. The main gameplay loop is still fun and the locations are interesting, and the DLCs are a blast to play through. The lack of fast travel accessibility in the DLCs is a let down, but the game by itself is still fun and very interesting.

Barely anything has changed from the original in terms of gameplay. There are also no QOL updates/fixes. It's just the first game with new locations and a few new slimes. Monomi Park, you had over 6 years! What have you been doing all this time??