I missed this one back in the gamecube days, so i was very excited to finally play it.

However, out of all the 3D mario games i have ever tried, this one is the one i like the least. The setting is charming and i love the happy sunny music, but there's just something i don't like that i can't quite explain. Is it the levels? Possibly, i liked the Mario 64 levels more.

It's good, but it's my least favourite 3D Mario game. I'm gonna complete it anyway though.

It was pretty boring for a worms game.

It wasn't a bad game, just okay.

The game that started my love for Battlefield.

I haven't played it for over a decade, but i remember having a lot of fun.

NFS fused with a cheap Mario Kart knock-off, game was alright but nothing special. The final mission crashed for me so i never finished it and watched the ending on youtube.

Bought it, played it for a few days and then i never returned. I remember it as boring and mediocre.

Bought this game for the Switch. I enjoyed it way more than anticipated so i also got it for PC and had a ton of fun playing it.

What i loved about this game was the puzzle servers. The gunplay was okay, but i came for the puzzles.

I wish this stayed and i was sad to see it go. It was honestly a ton of fun.

Yeah, after playing for 500+ hours, getting every business and most of the major stuff there's not much left to do but fool around.

But Rockstars recent decision to remove what.. 189 vehicles or so, made me not want to come back ever.

This game specifically is one of the best memories i have of playing with and against friends. Always chasing a higher score, friendly trash talking, listening to great music and just having a good time together. It is in fact the reason i met a few of my best friends back then in 2009-10.

I miss Guitar Hero.. not because the games were masterpieces, but because of the friendships that were made and something we just got together for. Playing on a chunk of plastic and pretending to be rockstars.

Oh yeah, and the songs were pretty good too.

Was a lot better than Warzone 2.0 and now they're shutting it down. That's a shame because it was the best BR game out there for me.

As i've grown older i have started to appreciate board games a lot more, but since both i and my friends all have our own lives and jobs we don't exactly have the time to just drop by to play board games at each others places.

But a great way to scratch that itch is just to fire up this game and play whatever board game you want. It's great!

It's a very solid Smash like fighting game. But what makes this game a real treat, is the mods. But make no mistake, the base game is pretty good in itself.

Best Smash Bros ever, and i've played every single one of them since 64. The only one that comes close is Melee, but i like all of them.

The roster is huge, the controls are tight, lots of stages to choose from and it's just a joy to play. It was the whole reason for buying my Switch and i am glad that i did.

I enjoyed it the first time around, completing the main story, doing side quests and other things. But i recently tried to dive back in after playing Fighterz and i just can't get back into it. It's a fine RPG but it's not a good fighting game.