Just an absolutely beautiful game.

Xenoblade as a whole is just a modern classic to me and i have loved every hour i've put into it so far.

I still need to play the DLC though.

I enjoyed it the first time around, completing the main story, doing side quests and other things. But i recently tried to dive back in after playing Fighterz and i just can't get back into it. It's a fine RPG but it's not a good fighting game.

This game specifically is one of the best memories i have of playing with and against friends. Always chasing a higher score, friendly trash talking, listening to great music and just having a good time together. It is in fact the reason i met a few of my best friends back then in 2009-10.

I miss Guitar Hero.. not because the games were masterpieces, but because of the friendships that were made and something we just got together for. Playing on a chunk of plastic and pretending to be rockstars.

Oh yeah, and the songs were pretty good too.

What i loved about this game was the puzzle servers. The gunplay was okay, but i came for the puzzles.

It was pretty okay. I had fun playing it coop with a friend from start to finish, but i probably won't play it again.

Game was a ton of fun, however the final boss fight was so disappointing but i can ignore that because the gameplay is really good.

The game that started my love for Battlefield.

I haven't played it for over a decade, but i remember having a lot of fun.

This game rocks. It was my very first game back in 1997 so i've played it and completed it many times since then.

It may be dated, the controls are stiff and the camera sucks, but i just can't stop liking it even to this day.

Best Smash Bros ever, and i've played every single one of them since 64. The only one that comes close is Melee, but i like all of them.

The roster is huge, the controls are tight, lots of stages to choose from and it's just a joy to play. It was the whole reason for buying my Switch and i am glad that i did.


Simply just a joy to play. It's because of Hades that i started enjoying Rogue-likes as a genre.

So many power-ups, different weapons for different playstyles, much more dialogue than i ever imagined this game would have and I'm only 30 hours in so far. I still haven't completed my first run yet, but i got really close yesterday, so i will march on.

Yeah, after playing for 500+ hours, getting every business and most of the major stuff there's not much left to do but fool around.

But Rockstars recent decision to remove what.. 189 vehicles or so, made me not want to come back ever.

One of my childhood games that really didn't age that well. I enjoy it for what it is, but there are way better Kirby games out there.

Bought this game for the Switch. I enjoyed it way more than anticipated so i also got it for PC and had a ton of fun playing it.

Bought it, played it for a few days and then i never returned. I remember it as boring and mediocre.

I missed this one back in the gamecube days, so i was very excited to finally play it.

However, out of all the 3D mario games i have ever tried, this one is the one i like the least. The setting is charming and i love the happy sunny music, but there's just something i don't like that i can't quite explain. Is it the levels? Possibly, i liked the Mario 64 levels more.

It's good, but it's my least favourite 3D Mario game. I'm gonna complete it anyway though.