69 reviews liked by NightlyData

Storywise is a 11/10 , I appreciate the "gacha but not gacha" mechanic this game has but the gameplay kinda sucks...
Now i am just watching the story on youtube


Tall about dropping the ball like holy shit. This is the first game in this series that I've hated which, after over a decade of great games, was probably inevitable by this point.

The first thing this game asks you when you load it up is whether you want a good resolution or good frame rate. You only get one because the game can't run with both. Didn't realize I was playing a shitty Telltale game by having two insanely bad choices which both lead me to one grand dissapointing conclusion no matter what I do.

On top that, the amazing animations and 2D sprite work from the previous games is gone and replaced with "mobile game/new pokemon generation/bowling alley TV" level of newly added 3d graphics that also exclude the animations for any ability. Even if the skill is some Omega Flare Hyperbeam shit in name, the animation is equivalent to your braindead level 1 Wartortle you stole from your big brother's SD performing tackle.

Leveling itself is now just an accessory as your characters will level up from 1 to 200 in probably three battles, allowing you to do a mediocre 32k damage by chapter 1-1. There's not even an experience bar anymore since all the leveling is relegated to the post battle screen where you watch the numbers rapidly climb higher and higher in order to compensate for your ever dwindling IQ after seeing the congratulations screen.

The only good thing I can say to distract from the amount of classes being cut in half, special mechanics being removed, and a useless senate, is that the 2d art for the portraits is still wonderful and the dialogue/story is still just as cringingly ridiculous as ever.

(Content warning: rape)

A hentai gacha game with a dark magical girl theme. Aesthetically and plot-wise it liberally takes a lot of inspiration from Madoka Magica. There's actually two versions of the game, Magicami, the "safe" version which does not have sex scenes, and Magicami DX, the nsfw version which does. This review is for the DX version, since I imagine most people play that one, obviously.

Aesthetically, the game looks pretty dang good, especially for a browser game. The girls are cute and they have a sizeable variety of magical girl outfits to wear, and roll for of course. I actually quite like the monster designs. Since the theme is dark magical girl porn, the monsters accordingly are also sexy demon creatures, some of which have been horrifyingly transformed into pretty disturbing abominations. You can see the spider demon in the cover art here I think, where she has like sexy human legs instead of spider legs, it's frankly disturbing but also kind of rad, not gonna lie.

The characters are pretty cute, and personality wise actually rather likeable, a lot of which I think is owed to the quite decent voice acting. The goal, I think, is to endear you to the characters so that you can be adequately horrified when they, in accordance to the plot, horribly lose and then get tortured and uh, raped, by the monsters. A lot of the sex scenes I'm pretty sure are rape scenes by the way, so if you were looking for something more Jun'ai or vanilla, there's probably better games for you to play. And let me tell you, for better or worse, the voice acting is horrifyingly good during the rape scenes. They, uh, really sell the tortured screaming, I guess. Even the guy main character has some pretty gnarly screams of despair. The performances as a whole are like, genuinely disturbing and don't exactly put me in the mood, personally. I'm not really sure why these are in a porn game? Though I guess if you have a rape kink, that's like, part of it, probably. They're thoughtful enough to put a content warning before the scene happens though, so that's nice.

Gameplay wise it's actually not bad, if you like jrpg combat. The animations are snappy and the dynamic camera angles combined with the clean Persona-esque UI make battles rather nice to look at. The battle music also reminds me of Persona, to be honest. It's nothing too especially interesting though, and you can just auto-battle once you get sufficiently strong enough anyway.

Overall, a pretty decent game if you have a rape fetish, but probably not worth it otherwise.

The racing is incredible, it´s a great mix of arcade like and real life racing.
But that´s bout it, the story is mediocre and totally uninteresting, had a total blast racing tho.


Easily my favorite shmup series. This collection contains every game and each entry only gets better.

They finally fixed the most aggravating issue of Metal Slug 7: having a co-op. Game is pretty fun and longest Metal Slug on top of that, but still not as good as 2/X, 3 and 4.

"Metal Slug 4" isn't necessarily a bad game. I'd even say the core run-and-gun combat of the series manic nature is just as intact here as it's been in the past. Where the game fails though, is its lack of any discernable factor that sets it apart from the previous games. Most of the signature set piece events are gone or not nearly as memorable. It also suffers from a very inconsistent frame-rate. In short, this just feels like going thru the motions. I'd even go so far as to say, comparatively to the games before it, this one comes off as directionless and dull.

(I played this on Metal Slug Anthology on a PS2 emulator)
Metal Slug 6 is the, probably, seventh instalment in the Metal Slug franchise. Playing the previous ones in not required. They are 2D run-and-gun arcade games that boast an impressive artstyle and well there is a good chance you’ve read this already, so I wont waste any more of your time. Except for the new levels and weapons there isn’t anything new. I should mention it is of slightly lower quality.
Nothing. Actually, there is some storytelling, but it’s the practically just to connect the levels.
Mechanics and gameplay
I lied there is something. Now there is a meter that fills up every time you deal damage. What does it do? It just gives you more points.
If you want any more information about the gameplay, read any of my reviews on the other instalments. I am not rewriting it again.
Graphics and artstyle
The artstyle is of lower quality than expected from this series. It feels a bit cheap honestly.
Soundtrack and sound effects
They are good, but since the rest of the game didn’t make an impression neither did they.
Final Thoughts