A fun and relaxing trip through the Pokemon world, recommended for fans of the series or anyone looking for a charming game to chill to. Super weird and funny that it ends with a boss fight against Mew lmao

Just a really solid rail shooter. Sometimes that's all you need.

While it's unfortunate that it went on to define the Mario franchise's aesthetic and tone, New Super Mario Bros was a refreshing throwback when it released and is still pretty fun.

While nothing particularly groundbreaking, Whomp 'Em is a generally fun NES platformer that doesn't overstay its welcome. Shame about the racism, I'm sure the decision wasn't made from a place of hate but it's uncomfortable nonetheless.

A ballet in movement and violence, Titanfall 2 is a great time and features a really enjoyable campaign that does a good job of consistently switching up the gameplay and level design to remain engaging all the way through.

While I'd be lying if I said Adventure is particularly compelling to play in 2020, I'd be remiss to ignore what it did for the medium in 1979, reframing what video games can be and packing enough content in to completely fill the 2600 cartridge's storage capacity.

A really solid remake of Metroid 2, done in the style of the GBA games and featuring a number of tweaks to streamline and smooth out the controls. Highly recommended.


It may not have invented first person shooters, but it codified what the genre would come to be, and aside from that DOOM is just a fantastically fun time, as well as blazing a trail of robust mod support which has kept its fan community alive to this very day.


A bit of an oddity in the form of a Roguelike styled after DOOM and featuring a bunch of choice quotes from the famous DOOM comic, DRL is a pretty fun time if somewhat frustratingly difficult

A fun throwback to Build engine shooters which does some absolutely bonkers things with the engine, although unfortunately the final boss is pretty bad. Still, a good game overall.

Monkey Ball minus personality but plus powerups. It's not bad.

The first Touhou game to match the series modern identity as a bullet hell shooter, Touhou 2 is a fun time with excellent sprite work.

A fun, charming platformer that makes really interesting use of the dualshocks two analog sticks. Highly recommended.

The original psychological horror video game, Silent Hill tells a devastatingly tragic story while trapping the player in bleakly horrific locales, dripping with menace and sorrow.